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China Car Buy Network

China Car Buy Network

  • Size: 4.84 m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Leisure and entertainment
  • System: Android
  • Manufacturer:Beijing Yiwei Technology Co., Ltd.
Use mobile phone assistant

China Buying Auto Network Software is a mobile application designed for car consumers. It is committed to providing users with comprehensive, professional and real -time car information and car purchase services.

Main function

Car information:

Provide information such as the latest and most comprehensive automotive news, industry dynamics, and new car release to allow users to master the first -hand information of the automotive market at any time.

Gathering the self -media and video communication platforms such as 90 Jun, Buying Kunjun, Drinking Church, and providing users with audiovisual information.

Car purchase service:

Provide services such as shopping guide, car purchase guidelines, and comparison of prices to help users make car purchase decisions more scientific and rationally.

Intelligent recommendation popular models and preferential information allows users to find their favorite models and preferential activities faster.

User community:

Build a user community for accurate services for car owners and quasi -owners. Users can share car purchase experience and exchange car experience in the community.

Through online and offline activities such as forums, Weibo, WeChat, etc., increase the frequency of communication between users and websites, and create a unique website UGC model.

Real -time query:

Users can inquire about the detailed quotation, configuration information, dealer location, etc. on the platform, so that users can compare and choose.

Provide illegal query functions to help users understand their vehicle violations in time.

Common problem

Unable to log in:

Problem description: After the user enters the correct username and password, it is still unable to log in to China Buy Car.

Possible reasons: Username or password input error; account number is locked or canceled; browser cache problem.

Solution: Confirm that the username and password are correct; check the account status. If necessary, contact customer service to unlock; remove the browser cache or try to replace the browser login.

Registration failed:

Problem description: When the user tries to register a new account, the system prompts that the registration fails.

Possible reasons: the user name has been occupied; the mailbox or mobile phone number has been registered; the input information does not meet the requirements (such as format errors).

Solution: Try to replace the user name, mailbox or mobile phone number for registration; check whether the input information meets the requirements, such as 11 digits of the mobile phone number.

China Buy Car Update Log:

1. Optimized some functions

2. I solve a lot of unbearable bugs

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

A very good leisure and entertainment, Xiaobian also uses the software, powerful, green and safe. This site also offers TFUN games, TFUN games, batch housekeepers, etc. for you to download.

Version: 4.0.8 | Update time: 2024-09-09

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The application has not passed the real -name authentication, you can download it through your mobile assistant.
