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Turtle soup

Turtle soup

  • Size: 81.6 m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Adventure puzzle
  • System: Android
  • Manufacturer:Jiangxi Coconut Legend Cultural Media Co., Ltd.
Use mobile phone assistant

Turtle Soup APP is a comprehensive application integrating puzzle, reasoning, social, and chatting. It not only allows players to get a relaxed and pleasant gaming experience in it, but also enhance players' team collaboration and reasoning ability. Let people get richer, interesting and interactive desktop game experience. Different from traditional desktop games, there is no need for venue and game props. Only a smartphone or computer is required. Players can enjoy the fun brought by the Turtle Soup APP anywhere and at any time.

Game characteristics

[Online bombardment to know new friends] Come and play turtle soup together, break the ice to meet new friends.
[Playing in the bureau, Hi Ninth] Play with your friends and play a new way of socially socially socially, and get up together.
[Interesting soul versatile] The world is boring, and the turtle soup saves you.
[New way of interactive gameplay, ta]
"Voice Chat" chatting and singing, all kinds of joy are not stop!
The "Wedding Nest" church holds a wedding. Friends witness love and record every sweet moment!
"Dynamic Square" beautiful younger brother and sister are here, paying attention to the wonderful moments of the topic of interest!

Game rules

Turtle soup, also known as the puzzle of the scene, is a intellectual game that guess the truth of the situation.
【Noun explanation】
1. Soup noodles: refers to dry topics.
2, soup base: refers to the truth behind-the answer.
The Department of Playing is raised by the questioner that the questioner is incomprehensible. Participants can ask any questions, but they must be clearly expressed in the form of affirmative questioning (otherwise the problem will be deleted directly) to try to reduce the scope and find out the real behind the incident. The reason.
Error example 1:
Question: Is this person the competitors of the current contractor of the cafeteria? (Who does this person mean?)
Error example 2:
Question: Isn't his wife who returned home with the man?
Case 1: If his wife is returning home, then it can be understood as question errors, so ×
Case 2: If it is not his wife who returns home, so you should answer it (yes)
No matter how answers answers at this time, it will cause misunderstandings.
Those who are issued can only be answered with "yes", "no", "nothing to do" (that is, this question or no conclusion.), "Deleted", "Agumbent".
Questions that are contrary to the topic will be deleted directly.
The ambiguous meaning is close but there are still errors. Directly judging the right and wrong will cause ambiguity. Or other ambiguity, it is not easy to directly judge whether the problem is.
[Example of gameplay]: This is also the origin of the turtle soup name
Soup noodles (that is, the description and problem of the topic): A person came down from a boat and entered a restaurant. He called a bowl of sea turtle soup and took a few mouthfuls to lift his gun and commit himself. What is going on?
Generally, 5 basic clues will be given, which is omitted here.
Questions and answer interaction:
Player A: Does he like turtles?
Issuant: No
Player B: What major things happened before?
Title: Yes
Player B: Is that incident related to turtles?
Make questions: ambiguous. Please define it to be related to the turtle (the problem is a bit involved and a bit unwilling, it will be difficult to answer)
Player B: Did he be rescued by turtles before?
Issuant: No
Player A: Is that incident related to a third party?
Title: Yes
After an interaction, the player, that is, the answerer can reason the answer (that is, the soup base) according to the clue of the question and answer.
【Game Rules】
Participants can only ask very clear questions. The answers of the soup noodles can only be one of the three types: "Yes", "No", and "Nothing", of which "has nothing to do" is equivalent to: "whether it is established." If the questions asked by the participants cannot answer these three of them, that is, when the description can only be answered, the soup noodle should answer: "Can't answer."

Turtle soup update log:

1. Fix the bug, the new version experience is better

2. Change some pages

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

Xiaobian promises that as long as you use the turtle soup, if you don't like you to come and hit me! Xiaobian also prepared for you to sing, .NET, Cloud Machine Butler

Version: 7.16.1 | Update time: 2024-05-31

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