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Love Doudan Short Rolling Subtitles

Love Doudan Short Rolling Subtitles

  • Size: 7.92 m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Text input
  • System: Android
  • Manufacturer:Luzhou Chuyi Technology Co., Ltd.
Use mobile phone assistant

Aidou shiny rolling subtitles are a tool software that provides users with rolling subtitles and fluorescent stick functions. The functions are easy to use and the interface is simple. Including three modules: subtitles, fluorescent sticks, and setting, subtitle modules provide rolling subtitles to support the adjustment of subtitles; the fluorescent stick module provides different colors of fluorescent stick display functions; setting modules can contact customer service, view user protocols, privacy policies, etc. Huajun Software Park offers the download address of the official version of APP APP APP. Users who need it can download and use it for free!

Love Doudan Short Rolling Subtitles

Software highlight

      1. Easy to use: The function of Aidou's shiny rolling subtitles is simple and intuitive, and users can get started quickly.

2. Simple interface: The software interface is simple and clear, and users can easily find the required function.

3. Rolling subtitles: Provide rolling subtitles, allowing users to add dynamic subtitles to videos or pictures.

4. Fluorescence function: Provide a fluorescent stick display function of different colors to add interest to the watching experience.

5. Subtitle regulation: Support the adjustment of subtitles to meet the needs of different scenes.

Love Doudan Short Rolling Subtitles

Love Doudou Rolling Subtitles Update Log:

The development of GG said that there is really no bug this time ~

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

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Version: 1.0.1 | Update time: 2024-09-12

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