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WeChat cannot be downloadedHousing, But just click on the upper right corner to select it in the browser or Safari!


  • Size: 18.1 m
  • Language: Chinese
  • category: Life service
  • System: iOS
House selection is a mobile phone application product carefully created by Xiangyang Guomai Software Technology Co., Ltd. to help agents quickly and efficiently complete housing transactions. The application of the mobile phone of the householder platform has greatly facilitated the business operations of the agent's entry, reimbursement and other business operations. After the contract is signed, you can enjoy the information returning information of the contract. Regardless of whether you take the follow -up or provide the buyer's intention to buy the house, as long as the customer reaches the transaction, you can get the rebate with the relevant documents.
[Main features]
1. Real estate display: hot -selling real estate browsing and getting the latest housing information in time;
2. Customer reporting: Customer transaction information is updated in real time, supports one -click reporting customer, code scanning confirmation and other functions. All processes can be operated on the mobile phone, which is convenient and fast;
3. Customer management: Uniform management of customer resources, you can view or modify customer information at any time;
4. Dynamic update: the project dynamic real -time update, preferential promotion is in control;
5. Store management: You can view information such as the number of store brokers, reserves, volume, and subscriptions;
6. Urban sub -stations: Support urban management nationwide, information separation among different cities, and not interfere with each other;

Version: 1 | Update time: 2018-01-18

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Selection of Fangtong Comments

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2018-05-12 16:24:48
    The download process of choosing a house is very smooth and good. After downloading, it can be used as usual on the Android tablet!
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2021-08-06 09:56:38
    Recently, many people have recommended to choose a house, and it is not bad to experience it.
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2022-02-01 00:40:41
    Choosing a house is as easy to use as ever

Boutique recommendation

The application has not passed the real -name authentication, you can download it through your mobile assistant.
