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Live newspaper

Live newspaper

  • Size: 54.84 m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Web browsing
  • System: Android
  • Manufacturer:Chongqing Life Unlimited Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Use mobile phone assistant

Live newspaperIt is an intelligent media platform for life information. The APP uses artificial intelligence, data algorithms, and mobile applications as a carrier for content creation and matching. Novel and interesting massive information, comprehensive and timely hot information, entertainment gossip, investment financial management, food music, game sports, you can find everything you want. Huajun Software Park provides the official version of the live version of the actual Times app. Users who need it can download and use it for free!

Live newspaper

      Live Times Software Features

1. Real -time information content updates are extended to you quickly;

2. Rich information hotspot, one to do it;

3. Custom channel editors create an exclusive reading experience.

4. Strive to convey value information content;

   Live Times app highlight

1. Provide reader users with a popular topic platform that can be added to discuss.

2. Timely intelligent push various headline events, you can read and interact as soon as possible;

3. Easy and easy -to -use information application, report on online reports in time, and quickly understand;

Live newspaper

Update log in the actual Times:

1. Fix several bugs;

2. Optimize details;

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

As a free web page view of the actual Times, as a wide range of applications and powerful functions, the latest version of the function has been well received by many netizens. It is highly recommended to download and use it. Download and use.

Version: 2.6.0 latest version | Update time: 2024-09-12

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The application has not passed the real -name authentication, you can download it through your mobile assistant.
