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Book Video Editorial Production

Book Video Editorial Production

  • Size: 215.6m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Photo take pictures
  • System: Android
  • Manufacturer:Hangzhou Youdong Technology Co., Ltd.
Use mobile phone assistant

Recommend for you: Book Video Editorial Production

Book Video Editing App is a professional mobile video editing software, built -in rich video editing functions, and short video zones, rich special effects short video templates, and easy to make personality short videos. The software is built -in rich album template, one -click use, and easy to make good -looking album albums.

Book Video Edit Production Function Introduction

Built -in AE video zone, enter it, all kinds of popular short video templates are waiting for you to use;

You can download the video template directly, apply to make excellent works, save time and effort;

The finished works can be modified in the secondary editing, and you can also choose the proportion of video screens freely;

With the music album area, the classic popular background music can be added to the video;

Support video to remove watermarks, gently click on the screen to complete removal, and at the same time, watermarks can be added;

You can make video changes, which is faster, and the deceleration will be determined by you.

Book Video Edit Making Software Features

Add the cover to the cover and then take a step to major platforms, so that you can get more clicks and views;

You can choose a nice background music for your own works, and you can also pick up the background music;

The entire mobile phone is operated online. You do n’t need to carry your laptop at any time, and you can easily complete the production;

It can be used without logging in, and various popular short video template collection is waiting for you;

It can be used to record life, at the same time saves it in the mobile phone, forward it with one click to the circle of friends, etc.

The operation is simple and the software is widely used. Almost anyone can use it;

Book Video Edit Production Update Log

1. Optimize content

2. The details are more outstanding.

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

The editorial production of the Book Video is a high -performance software that meets everyone's requirements. The software is free and non -toxic. It has absolutely praised software. Our Huajun Software Park has the most authoritative software, green free, official authorized, and similar music albums, similar to music albums, similar to music albums, similar to music albums, similar music albums, similar to music albums, similar music albums, similar to music albums, similar to music albums, similar to music albums, similar music albums, similar to music albums, similar to music albums, similar music albums, similar music albums, similar to music albums, similar music albums, similar music albums, similar to music albums. Voting voting experts, .NET, I hope everyone will come to download!

Version: 5.4.1 | Update time: 2024-06-13

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