o (心) o sadness

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  • Size: 1.77m
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Web game
  • System: win7 and above

Recommend for you: Pickup

The Chinese version of Pickang is a fun role -playing game. The official version of the Pikutang combines elements such as leisure and entertainment, social interaction, and simulation operations. Players can choose furniture and decoration arbitrarily to create their own personalized home. In the Pikutang game, players can have their own gardens and pastures, and you need to use your imagination to arrange your world.

Pickings game introduction

"Pickang" is a cute mini -virtual home. Happiness, creation, and surprise can be owned in the world of Pikutang. Select furniture and decoration arbitrarily to create your own personality home; when you wake up, you can put on your favorite delicate clothes, go to a friend's home to chat or go to Shangcheng. You will also have your own garden and pasture, carefully plant flowers with friends, carefully take care of the small animals in the pasture, let the flowers and small animals grow up healthily, and wait patiently to wait for the harvest days.

So, let's experience the happy life of Pickang with friends!

Pickang game description

      Interface system

Tour guide

The tour guide in the pickup hall can take you to any place you want to go. After opening the tour guide panel, all the rooms, farms, pastures, gardens, and mines in Pickang, my indicates that Pickang belongs to your own room , Farm, Ranch, Garden, Favorite Room and the recent rooms that have been visited recently.

Warm tips: Enter in Pika Hall: I want to go to **** (**** to indicate the house number), and you can directly reach the room


The taskbar in the Pickang is divided into: ordinary, cycle, daily, and novices as long as the task requirements have completed the task, there will be items, silver coins, experience or skill points for rewards ~

Ordinary: Only one task can be done once

Cycle: This task can be carried out all the time

Daily: Only tasks that can be done once a day

Novice: The task specially prepared for novices will automatically disappear to a certain level

[Because there are a lot of tasks, you will not introduce them one by one. You can see it when you play]]


In the bags of the pickup hall, according to different furniture, there are five categories, namely furniture, garden, pet, props, food). If you want to view your own items, you can open the bag directly. Look at the attributes of the items, you can drag out the items with a small hand. It should also be noted that there are no small hand icons in the lower right corner, which cannot be traded.


There are many types of furniture in the mall. Do you want to decorate your room more beautiful? Then buy it quickly. In addition to the items in the mall, the silver crown area, the golden crown area, the boss card card, the boss card card Kamu's new apprentice Babao porridge will introduce the furniture situation one by one.


Open the friend's panel, you can see your friends, friends panels are divided into: online friends, friends who are not online. You can delete your friends in the friend's panel, invite friends to their own room, visit the room where the friend is located, and write to the friend.

(Tips: Right -click the opponent, you can add the other party as a friend ~)

      set up

Personal related settings

Friends options:

Accept the request of everyone's friends, not accepting the request of everyone's friends

When you want others to add you as a friend, you can choose to accept your friend's request

When you don't want others to add you as a friend, you can choose a friend who does not accept everyone to request the transaction option::

Accept everyone's trading request, only accept friends' transaction requests, and do not accept everyone's transaction request

When you want everyone to trade you, you can choose to accept everyone's transaction request

When you just want your friends to trade you, you can choose to accept only your friend's transaction request

When you don’t want to deal with you, you can choose not to accept the transaction request of everyone

Chat display:

General mode, simple mode, stealth mode

General display chat dialogue, some characters' avatars display, subtitles display

Simple display chat dialogue, remove the character's avatar display, only display subtitles display

I do not show a chat dialogue, I can only see what the other party said in the chat box

go home

Click home, you can go home immediately

Pickang game strategy

   Pasture system

How to build a ranch

Level 5 can learn the skills of junior animal husbandry, order skills, choose a career-junior animal husbandry, you can learn successfully after confirmation. After learning the junior animal husbandry, you can create the pasture. In the tour guide, choose to create a room, and then choose the pasture to enter the name and introduction of the pasture. After confirmation, the pasture is successfully established.

How to create the home of animals such as chicken houses, cattle sheds, pigpen and other animals

After entering the pasture, you will see a warehouse with a windmill. Use right -click to select to enter the warehouse. There will be a window of a pasture. Choose to buy chicken houses, duck houses, sheepfangs, cattle sheds, rabbit nests, and pigs. It can be successfully established on the grass.

Note: Chicken houses, duck houses, sheepfangs, cattle sheds, rabbit nests, and pigpen can only be built on the edge of the pasture to be successful. Otherwise, the color will be dim. After clicking, it will disappear, and it will not be successful.

How to buy chicks, ducklings, lambs, calfs, etc.

After the chicken house, sheepfang, and cattle shed were successfully established, yes, choose to view, a small chicken, lamb, and calf buying window appear, buy your favorite livestock or poultry. After the name is determined, the purchase is successful.

After the duck house was successful, the duckling could not be purchased directly from the duck house. After getting a duck egg, put the egg into the incubator and hatched it.

How to feed chicks, ducklings, lambs, and calfs

First, let the chicken, duckling, calf, and lamb leave their nests, password: ** out (** indicates the name of the animal). After entering the pasture, you will see a warehouse with a windmill. Use right -click to click to select to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter to enter into In the warehouse, a window for a pasture will appear. You can choose to buy grass, forage grooves, feed piles, feed grooves, and place them on the grass to buy successfully. Then use right -click the straw pile, select the straw material, then use the right -click the grass groove, select the grass, and finally let the chicken, calf, and lamb to eat

Password: ** Eat (** means animal name) or right -click the ranch animal, choose to eat

PS: chicks and ducklings are eating feed, calfs and lamb are eating forage

How to improve the joy of animals

Chicken, duckling, and Mavericks bath for animals, passwords: ** bath. Learning skills: pray, pray for your animals. Or others through learning skills: blessings. After blessing your animals, it will increase the joy of animals.

When is animal adult

Chicken and duckling 3 days later, the little rabbit was adult 5 days later, the Mavericks, lamb and piglets were adult 8 days later

Incubate small animals, make animals pregnant

Right -click the incubator. Select to view. A window for incubation will appear. Drag eggs and duck eggs from the backpack into the window. When the incubator starts to flash, it means that the incubator is incubating.

(Tips: 3 days of the hatching time of eggs, 3-5 days for duck eggs)

After the adulthood of cattle and sheep, buy angel potion, open the backpack, drag the angel potion into the cow and sheep, and the attribute panel will appear to be pregnant.

What can animals bring us

After the chicks are adults, the eggs will be added after the production value is full, and a certain chance can get double yellow eggs;

After the ducklings are adult, the duck eggs will be dropped after the production value is full, and a certain chance can get duck eggs;

After the rabbit is adult, the rabbit hair can be cut after the production value is full. There is a certain chance to get the jade rabbit hair;

After the Mavericks, lambs and piglets are adulthood, when the production value is full, the cow can squeeze milk, and there is a certain chance to get high calcium milk; sheep can cut wool, there is a certain chance to get snow wool; pigs can produce lard, there are, there are some There is a chance to get lard ointment.

(Tips: If the adult chickens and ducks are driven back to the nest, there will be no double yellow eggs and duck eggs ~)

With more pasture facilities, the capacity of the circle increases

At a certain level, you can learn skills: senior pastoral workers, chief animal husbandry, and grazing masters can establish more facilities in the ranch.

Right -click on the animal's circle, select to view, there is an upgrade option underneath, and you need to pay different gold coins.


Animals after dormant will not grow, similar to the host of pets


Mutant animals are:

1. Chicken -Gurgic Chicken

2. Duck -Swan

3. Rabbit -beaver

4, cow -ox

5. Sheep -handsome pot sheep

6. Pig -wild boar

Two yellow eggs and duck eggs, hatching through the incubator, there is a certain chance of incubating mutant animals;

Adult cattle, sheep, pigs, and rabbits are pregnant through angel potion, and there is a certain chance that will hatch mutation animals.

Product of mutant animals:

Cuckoo chicken: three -color chicken hair, colorful chicken feathers

Swan: Swan Stone, Swan Diamond

Beaver: Rain Stone, Sea Pearl

Cattle: beef and ox horns

Shuai pot sheep: handsome pot sheep snow wool, wig wigs

Wild pig: pig's teeth, golden teeth (that is, the default room)

   Pet system

How to buy eggs and how to hatch

Since 2010, pet eggs can only be obtained by doing tasks or purchased from other players, and cannot be purchased from the mall.

Open your backpack, drag the pet eggs into the room in the third grid, right -click on the pet egg and select the egg.

Right -click by learning skills, right -click on pet eggs, choose to stroke, improve the physical fitness of pet eggs

Learn stories through learning skills, right -click on pet eggs, choose to tell stories, improve the spirituality of pet eggs

Singing skills, right -click on pet eggs, choose singing, improve the charm of pet eggs

Pray for skills, right -click on pet eggs, choose prayer, improve the luck of pet eggs

Others learn skills blessings, right -click on pet eggs, choose blessings, and improve the luck of pet eggs

Attachment: Pet type:

Rhubarb, Sherry, Little Pink Cat, Little Black Cat, Panda, Turtle, White Rabbit, Pink Rabbit, Penguin, Performance Tiger, Perak Tiger, Little Handsome Tiger

How much to incubate the pet eggs can be smashed out of pets

When the incubation is 1000, you can smash the pet from the pet egg

Pet password

(** indicates the name of the pet)

Why is it called a pet without response?

1. The degree of pleasure is too low

2. sickness

3. The spirituality is too low, and it will be reflected a few times.

4. Has been custody

Pet skill

Right -click the pet, select learning skills, there will be a pet attribute box. The sword is twisted to indicate the skill that the pet can learn. Select the skill of pet learning. After clicking, you can learn successfully.

Small animals (dogs, cats, rabbits): Hug, pretend to be dead, push -ups, acceleration, road recognition, calculation, literacy level 1, literacy level 2, literacy level 3, level 4 level, level 5, level 1, speaking Level 2, level 3, level 4, level 5.

Large animals (pandas, turtles): riding, pretending to death, push -ups, acceleration, recognition, calculation, literacy level 1, literacy level 2, literacy level 3, level 4 of literacy, level 5 of literacy, level 1, speaking level 2, 2 speaking level 2 , Speaking 3, Level 4, Talk 5th.

【Attachment: Literacy】

First of all, pets need to learn the skills of literacy, then right -click the pet, select the learning skills, and click the twist of the book. You can enter the words to be learned in the input box. Select OK, the word is successful.

[Attachment: Talk]

Right -click the pet, choose the learning skills, click the sword to twist, and choose the skills of learning speaking.

After learning to speak skills, click the twist of the book, you can enter the pet's answer in the custom bar, enter your command in the command

[Attachment: riding, hug, top top]

Panda and turtles in Picatang can ride. First, you must learn pet skills-riding, then right-click the panda and turtles, and choose to ride.

The cats, dogs, and rabbits in Pikutang can be hug and top. First, learn the skills-hug, then right-click the cat, dog, rabbit, choose hug and top.

Feeding, sickness and pleasure

The pet food purchased from the business is dragged into the floor of the pet's room in a backpack, saying: "** eat" (** means the pet's name). After the pet is eaten, it will increase energy. Click to shop, choose pet food-drum drum special effects, after the purchase is successful, drag the medicine into the floor of the pet in the backpack, say "** eat" (** means pet name), pets eat After, the sick state will return to normal.

** The most obedient (add 10 points of pleasure)

** The most obedient (add 10 points of pleasure)

** The best (add 10 points of pleasure)

** Bathing (adding 2 pets to the comfort of pets, and also increased the pleasure of pets. Take a bath to increase two points of pleasure, but it will reduce the energy of pets)

(** indicates the name of the pet)

Pets will not increase after custody

      Upgrade system


1. The exclusive reward of the treasure chest

2. Daily motivation greetings

3. Some tasks

4. Eat the fruits of skills

5. Selling the best or flower fairy flowers

6. Snow -cut wool, squeeze high calcium milk, collect or pick duck eggs, double yellow eggs


1. Treasure chest exclusive reward

2. Greeting motivation

3. Pick or collect eggs, duck eggs, double yellow eggs, duck eggs

4. Snow cutting wool, cutting wool, squeezing milk, squeezing high calcium milk

5. The task of some rewarding experience values

6. Selling flowers, bouquets, and bonsai

7. Harvest crops

8. Learn hard work, struggle, hard work, experience online experience

9. Eat the fruit with experience

   Treasure chest system

1. The treasure chest appears in the room randomly, you can go to other rooms to find the treasure chest through the tour guide;

2. Learn the skills of prayer, you can pray once a day.

Treasure boxes are divided into: ordinary treasure chests, silver treasure chests, golden treasure chests, skeleton treasure chests, angel treasure chests, canned meat boxes, rose treasure boxes, diamond treasure chests. Different treasure chests can get different rewards.

(When you look for over 50 treasure chests, you need to rest for an hour before you can continue to find it)

The time period of the treasure chest: 7: 00, 11:00, 12:00: 00, 13:00, 17:00, 18:00, 19:00, 23:00.

Open your bag, you can see the treasure map in the prop. Right -click to select to view, and the window of the position prompt of the treasure map will be jumped out.

Pickang update log

1. Optimize content

2. The details are more outstanding.

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

Pickang software feels really good! The editor was specifically tested for this. It was really good to use. The love micro -tour, the Purcell, .NET, etc. were all tested by the editor very good software. Come and choose a suitable for you!

Version: Chinese version | Update time: 2024-09-14

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Pickang comment

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2021-10-22 06:04:03
    Pickang is very interesting, I recommend it strongly ~
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2021-11-22 00:33:06
    Pickang loves it, downloads very fast! Intersection
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2021-10-17 19:41:46
    Pickang must be praised first! Intersection Intersection

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