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Anti -eavesdropping security software

Anti -eavesdropping security software

  • Size: 3.34M
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Anti -Black
  • System: Win

Anti -eavesdropping security software to prevent users from being tapped by their own computers, and they can also prevent the camera quietly startup to sneak shots; it keeps the computer's microphone volume continuously locked to 0 and mute, thereby preventing black programs such as Trojan horses quietly recording.

Anti -eavesdropping security software description

Only when the user clicks the license, the audio and video input device of the microphone can be recorded normally/image;

Optional [audio and video (input) drive level] monitoring function. If the user disables the device, there is a background program to enable, and the alarm will be triggered;

All the above functions will not affect the normal audio (output) broadcast of sound cards and horn;

After these stolen audio and video data were uploaded to the Internet by Trojan, they seriously violated the user's personal privacy;

This software work in a passive state, which is triggered by system events, so the CPU takes up nearly 0, and it can be carried out in the background after booting.

A. Ask questions:

The background hidden recording technical programming is simple, the technical cursor is low, and it is difficult for users to notice it. For example, one file is recorded per minute. After compression and encryption,

In the name of online update and upgrading, automatically upload it to the Internet Web server in the background of the HTTP protocol, and then do voice recognition and big data.

After WIN10, I did some anti -recording protection, but the protective layer was too thin, and it was easy to break.

From the perspective of pure technology, each layer below has the ability to enable MIC recording, and process the data obtained by the recording to the network card.

1. CPU+CPU's own BIOS (ROM)+high -speed cache (RAM)

2. Motherboard BIOS (ROM)+Basic Memory

3. Guidance program

4. Operating system/driver program

5. Background service software

6. Front desk application software (such as browser and office software and their plug -ins)

B. Solve the problem:

For the "black" application, and part of the genuine application software that has been "hacked", when recording secretly in the background, Saferecord will be a good shield.

But this software is only for anti -recording protection on the 5th and 6th layers, and it is just a concept software. Experienced hackers can quickly solve it.

It is said that some sound cards now have the "entry and exit" two -way switching function, which can cut "output" as "input", so as to convert the speaker into a large mortar.

In this way, it is even harder to prevent it.

In a word, computers and mobile phones are users. Only when users license it can record this, it can do this, and cannot make them a tool for monitoring owners!

Therefore, I hope that the sound input (recording) can have a hard switch all the way, or it is an activity hard plug -in, so as to fundamentally solve the problem.

Installation and operation of anti -eavesdropping security software

1. First run the SafeRecord_cfg.exe for configuration, and check the user's desired function items (just use the first 6 items selected by the default)

2. After configured, click the button [Apply and save], and the anti -recording security protection begins.

3. Just find a small recording software, no matter how to set MIC, the recorded files can not hear the sound, indicating that the anti -recording is effective.

4. If the user really has recording needs, run Saferecord_cfg.exe, check [permit for recording], and then click the button [execute].

5. If you want to turn on, you can automatically run the anti -recording protection program, please execute Install_to_start.bat

6. CFG.ini file is encrypted, and you cannot edit it manually to change it. Otherwise, only the software is uninstalled and downloaded again.

7. Regarding uninstallation, as long as the Saferecord process is ended in the task manager, delete this software directory.

Anti -eavesdropping security software function details

8 security function items in the Saferecord_CFG configuration program:

The function of item 1 is to set up MICs no matter how the user or the background program is set up multiple times. The consistent volume is 0 and mute, so that the recorded sound is silent.

This software supports the lock volume of multi -microphone and other audio input devices 0 and mute. Even if the device is driving in a disabled state, it has been locked.

Even when inserting a new recording device, it is locked by default as soon as it is inserted, unless the user checks [permit for recording] and [execute].

The third item is to say that when the volume of MIC changes, the system will notify this program, but this notification may be intercepted by (Trojan), so this program takes the initiative to check it.

Paragraph 7 and 8 are drive -level monitoring. To respect users, this program does not help users to enable and disable the device driver of MIC or cameras.

The user is required to manually operate. When the user or the background black program is used to enable these devices, the system will notify this program, and this program will be alert.

In order to prevent the alarm itself from being intercepted by the black program, the alert window of this program is also cumbersome.

(Note: In the device manager, disable the microphone driver is an invalid operation that needs to be disabled in the volume control panel to record it)

Anti -eavesdrop security software version support

This software is tested through Win7, 8, 10, which shows that Win7 and the above versions are supported.

Do not support winxp.

Anti -eavesdropping security software safe and assured the declaration declaration

This software is permanently free, without online upgrades, without any network receiving and receiving, it is impossible to throw user data to the Internet;

There is no destruction, hidden, theft, tampering user data or system code in this software;

There is no back door in this software, deliberately loopholes or flaws, to reserve a ladder for third -party hacker allies at home and abroad;

If I violate the promise to bear legal responsibility, my ID number is: 511112197410280310

Please download this software with Huajun. Other download points may not be the latest or deleted!

Recommended recommendations for anti -eavesdropping security software

I have another work called: 09 The encryption tool software of the top secret file (download of Hua Jun, permanent free)

Another name is: SafeTital's anti -screenshot security tool (Huajun download, permanent free), used for anti -screenshot and Baidu search confidentiality;

Anti -continuous operation behavior records; the computer version of WeChat chat also has a certain anti -leakage effect.

Anti -eavesdrop security software update log

The work of day and night can only be happier for you

Well, Mimi coaxed ~ BUG is gone!

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

Children's shoes, anti -eavesdropping security software can definitely meet the needs of relatives. From the software interface to the software function, people are definitely bright. Welcome everyone to come and use it! This site also has Software Security Assistant, Symantec Antivirus, .NET!

Version: 1.0 | Update time: 2022-01-13

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Anti -eavesdropping security software review

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2021-08-11 23:40:22
    Anti -eavesdropping security software is easy to use, thank you! Intersection
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2021-06-30 07:06:32
    Anti -eavesdropping security software feels good as a whole, it is still very satisfied, the installation is very smooth! Guide to the installation steps very smoothly!
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2022-03-09 12:19:13
    Anti -eavesdropping security software has been quite comprehensive. It is the latest version. Free download, continue to cheer!

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