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  • Size: 20377.6M
  • Language: Simplified Chinese
  • category: Online game
  • System: WINALL

TiejiaxiongIt is a large 3D strategy online game. This software is created by Yun toad Evolution for four years. Players need to formulate strategies and match arms in the game. They not only test the operation level, but also have a test for the player's overall situation! Want Challenge friends come to China Software Park for a trial!

Introduction to Tiejiaxiong Bing Game

Tiejiaxiong is a large 3D strategy game with realistic and rich content. This game lasted four years and cooperated with Hollywood action capture studios to capture the role movement in the game and truly restore some details: cutting and killing, dodge and other actions, which also restored the character image. The experience is very strong! In the game, players control the generals in the parallel world, formulate instant strategies, match suitable military battles, and make up with global players on a high degree of reducing the real cold weapon battlefield!


   [Real restoration of cold weapon ancient battlefield]

The real restoration of Sun Shangxiang's flame long bow, Zhao Yun's bright silver gun ... These weapons are based on historical facts, and combined with the current craftsmanship, super true restoration of the cold weapon ancient battlefield!

【Instant Strategic Army Matching】

Do players want to choose defense or choose all the way, or choose to cover teammates offense? There are a variety of military gameplay and ever -changing strategies, which are determined by you! Let you have endless fun in every battle!

   [Better fighting is cool to kill]

The role action in "Iron Armor" is done with Hollywood action capture studios. Players can not only see extremely smooth general operations, but also feel the charm of close fighting and slashing!

Tiejiaxiong Bing Game mode

      Flag -winning mode: The gameplay of this mode is to seize the banner of the other party and protect our banner. It is a general battle mode. Getting the flag is a way, and there is a general to kill all the enemy generals!

      Siege Model (Resurrection): This model is divided into two sides of the offensive and defensive. The winning mode of the meritorious side is to win the three strongholds, get points, and win the points. The model of the defendant is waiting. If the attacker fails, the defender will win! Both sides can be resurrected in this model.

      Dead fighting mode: This model is simple and rude, which is to fight on the battlefield and mentality.

      Base mode: This model is the most standard. The two sides are fighting through the occupation of the stronghold, which has high requirements for map design and balance. You can also win through the martial arts general.

      Human -machine mode: Player and computer combat mode, the computer in this mode is very powerful.

      Jue: This mode is also called the ranking mode. The system randomly distributes the player to fight.


Sun Shangxiang

Sun Shangxiang's weapon is a long bow of flames, high damage and long range! The range can sniper the enemy at the long distance and suppress the enemy from a long distance!


Zhang Bao's snake spear is very aggressive for melee. The tip damage of the snake spear is extremely high, and you can attack the enemy remotely and protect your own safety.

Huang Yueying

Huang Yueying's crossbow is the fastest shooting weapon, which can shoot 10 crossbow arrows each time, high -speed and accurate!

Deng Ai

Deng Ai's sword cavalry has a more free attack scope immediately. The damage bonus of the war horse is matched with the speed of sword sword, and the damage is also very high!

Iron Armor System System

      Task system

Task: Main task, daily task, teacher and apprentice task, military line task, time -limited task, etc.

Achievement system: Seven categories include collection, social, generals, models, soldiers, soldiers, maps, and growth. Each item has four levels: bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Each item is automatically popped up, the reward is the avatar and silver coin reward

      Trading system

Players can send props to sell in the famous product market, or use some coupons to buy props sold by others.

   Social system


To create a guild with point vouchers, you can join the guilds of others. A maximum of 60 people per guild.


Players can set up a standing team for 2000 coupons after level 30. You can chat, team games, etc. in the team. If you want the team to dissolve, it will automatically dissolve after 7 days; the team that wants to join other people needs to be level 20 and above. After exiting the team 24 hours, you can join other teams.

Recommended configuration configuration of Tiejiaxiong Bing

Iron Armor Bing Configuration Requirements

Recommended configuration

CPU Intel Core 4 -core 2GHz

Memory 8GB and above

Graphics card GeForce GTX 650 Ti above 1 AMD HD7850

15GB of hard disk.

Operating system Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

DirectX DirectX9.0c

Minimum configuration

CPU Inte | Core dual -core 2.5GHz

Memory 6GB or above

Graphics card NVIDIA GeForce GT 430 / AMD HD5550

Hard disk 15GB

Operating system Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

DirectX DirectX9.0c

Iron Armor Renewal Log

1. The pace of optimization never stops!

2. More little surprises are waiting for you to discover ~

Special explanation: The Chinese version of the Iron Armor Soldiers provided by this site is the official release platform for Steam, please support the genuine version ~

Xiaobian of Hua Jun:

Looking at it, the Internet that is similar to this software is everywhere. If you are not used to this software, you may wish to try Software such as Tiansui Daoji, Demon Step, Ora Star Modifier and other software. I hope you can like it. Intersection

Version: Chinese version | Update time: 2021-12-16

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Iron Armor Review

  • 1st floor Huajun netizen 2022-02-27 20:46:50
    Tiejiaxiong soldiers are really fun, highly recommended!
  • 2nd floor Huajun netizen 2022-02-21 15:21:30
    Tiejiaxiong must be praised first! Intersection Intersection
  • 3rd floor Huajun netizen 2021-05-19 21:28:26
    Tiejiaxiong is very unique, which is indeed a very innovative game, highly recommended! Intersection

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