MySQL server has gone away Huajun's AI product list is launched! Domestic AI Wensheng Video Big Explosion

Huajun's AI product list is launched! Domestic AI Wensheng Video Big Blast

Time: 2024-09-14Source: InternetAuthor: Huajun Information

In 2024, it is called the "first year of AI application" in the media industry.

Huajun Software Park, as one of the leading domestic software download platforms, has officially launched [Huajun AI product list.. The list aims to continue to build and maintain the authoritative evaluation system for domestic AI products.

During the August time cycle, we officially announced the first list to the public. In addition, this account will regularly release AI product research reports and recommendations for cutting -edge tools.

We will focus on domestic development teams and dedicated to digging AI products that make the ultimate AI products in AI technology innovation, application practice, and user experience.

Show the public to the top -level works that have experienced market baptism and are favored by users.

丨 The composition of the AI ​​product list 丨

[Huajun AI Product List] is divided into the product list and 7 major vertical categories.

We provide the following seven common user scenarios solutions: chat robot assistant, office efficiency tools, image production services, video creation platforms, AI digital human generation technology, educational auxiliary products, and AI search tools.

In order to more truly reflect the attractiveness and influence of an AI product in the domestic market.

In the dimension of data survey, we have chosen AI products with independent brands to respond to their online public opinion, user search behavior, SaaS pages access volume, and the download volume in Apple and Android. Statistical analysis.

During the investigation of public opinion, we chose the six major Chinese social platforms: Weibo, WeChat, Douyin, Bilibili (Station), Xiaohongshu and Kuaishou.

For domestic search platforms commonly used in domestic users, we chose the two main Chinese search engines of Baidu and 360 for comparison.

Through weighted analysis of the above four main dimensions, we finally calculated the comprehensive score of an AI product and ranked accordingly.

丨 o TOP100 products 丨

丨 August AI product data analysis 丨

[Provincial Flow Edition] Through the list, we find the following key information:

Dou Bao won the title of "King of Domestic AI Products" in August

Wenxin's words are the top of the number of users search for the number of users

Kimi smart assistant continues, but the growth rate has slowed down

Online documentation and translation tools have become the most popular AI products for office workers

The loading capacity of cutting and WPS exceeds 100 million times, becoming a national -level application

Ke Ling AI and VIDU lead the "domestic Sora" trend

The rise of new forces in the field of AI search, the secret tower challenges the traditional search market

With the continuous innovation of generation AI technology, traditional products have been continuously reshaped, native AI products continue to emerge, and the AI ​​market has ushered in a new era of fierce competition in new and old products.

Let's take a look at the product trends that are worthy of attention in the August list--

丨 Bean bags win, hexagon soldiers are full of sounds 丨

In August, the most memorable is the large -scale investment of byte beating to the promotion of bean bags and its absolute advantage in attracting the public's attention.

The advertising information of the bean bag covers all the Chinese social platforms you can imagine. From the data point of view, except for fast hands, the volume of the bean bag on all other platforms is far ahead, ranking first.

It can be called a "hexagonal warrior", which is simply incredible!

The advertising effect brings a significant product search frequency improvement.

We investigate and develop that under multiple statistical dimensions, the bean bag has data performance beyond the industry:

The search index of the bean bag has risen significantly, and it is rapidly approaching the words that have the advantage of having a major domestic model. Its leading advantage is gradually narrowing. In terms of SaaS visits, the bean bag continues to stabilize at tens of millions of levels, and the text and Kimi with the same level of visits and Kimi together constitute the first echelon of domestic big models. In addition, the download volume of the bean bag has also grown rapidly, becoming the first large model product in China to reach 30 million levels, which has quickly expanded the user base on the mobile terminal. Byte beating is using its powerful content product matrix (including vibrato, headlines, watermelon videos, etc.) to quickly occupy the user's mind through overwhelming advertisements. After several months of intensive promotion, it has achieved remarkable results in August, especially in the C -side market, which has built strong product competitiveness.

丨 Cultivation of Wenxin and brand cognition far ahead 丨

Baidu is the leading company in China to launch AI chat dialogue products. Relying on the distribution capabilities of Baidu's strong search engine network, and the reputation support and strong commercial motivation of the "Baidu" brand, it quickly occupies market advantages and has become the preferred AI dialogue product for domestic enterprises and consumers.

According to Baidu's financial report in the second quarter, the average daily calls of Wenxin's large models have exceeded 50 million, achieving a quarter -quarter growth of 190%. in the country, the calls of Wenxin API are significantly ahead of other competitors.

According to media reports, Wen Xin's words have been selected as Apple's preferred partners. The recently launched iPhone 16 series is working with large model companies such as Baidu on the implementation of Apple Intelligence (Apple Smart) in China.

Based on our statistical analysis of user search behavior, Wen Xin's words are far ahead in order of order, and its usage rate is three times the second place. Obviously, Wen Xin's words are still the most popular choice for users in large -scale language models.

Baidu CEO Li Yanhong has repeatedly emphasized in multiple public places: Only closed source models can ensure the strength and competitiveness of the product, and the closed source can also start a wider experience upgrade.

Therefore, this year we have witnessed the upgrade of Baidu's big model 4.0 Turbo. Its performance can be comparable to GPT-4 Turbo, and in terms of Chinese processing capabilities, it surpasses international competitors such as OPENAI.

With the arrival of September, Baidu has re -adjusted the promotion strategy of consumers for consumers with ambitious soybean user groups. The company decided to rename Wenxin's words "Wen Xiaoyan", and at the same time announced the free experience period of open Wenxin big model 4.0, one month. This is to attract more mobile users' attention by refreshing the image of the product.

丨 Kimi has slowed down, and the launch is constantly 丨

If you want to ask the "phenomenal" AI products in 2024, it is Kimi smart assistant.

In August, Kimi's SaaS platform visits soared to 22.84 million times, becoming the only large -scale model product with a number of visits exceeding 20 million. At the same time, Kimi's app download is as high as 27.74 million times, second only to the bean bag APP supported by byte beating.

In August, Kimi reached the peak of product operation. However, from the perspective of data trends, the growth rate of Kimi's access volume has slowed significantly, and it is about to face the first growth stagnation period since the launch of the product.

Despite the lack of support and channel capabilities of large enterprises, Kimi's parent company's dark side has become the most powerful stroller in the traditional Internet industry.

In February this year, Kimi took the "2 million -character long text" tokens as the slogan, and used the direct publicity strategy to take the lead in occupying the user's mind.

In terms of strategic selection, unlike many peers focusing on the B -end market, the dark side of the month has chosen a more challenging C -end market as the main offensive direction. It mainly achieved breakthroughs through stations at Station B, and opened a new world in the C -side market with novel gameplay. At the same time, the bidding price of the information flow advertisement of station B has soared.

Some insider revealed that the customer acquisition cost of KIMI information flow advertisements was close to 30 yuan/person.

The means of Kimi's big model promotion has also become other competitive products, such as the objects that are soy buns, Tiantong AI, and secret towers AI.

Yang Zhilin, CEO of the Moon, proposed the product concept of MaaS (model is service). He believes that good model products can output better user service capabilities.

From the perspective of data analysis, Kimi's access and downloads not only exceeded the bean bag, but also the user's search data is at the same level as the bean bag. Kimi has covered various platforms including desktop, mobile, applet, and browser plug -ins, showing its strong product power and winning the popularity of users, especially the young user group from station B.

Observing the advertising promotion of recent station B and major desktop browsers, KIMI's advertising input did not show signs of slowing. As the only "unicorn" AI start -up enterprise that can rival AI, which can rival AI, Kimi is still accelerating, and its momentum is strong.

丨 Online documentation and translation are the most common products 丨

When investigating the August list, we found that Baidu translation is the most searched AI product by users, and is the only product on the list that reaches 10 million -level search volume.

It even surpassed WPS and became one of the most commonly used Internet services for workers.

For a long time, free online translation services have been the best in the field of artificial intelligence. With the introduction of generating artificial intelligence technology, "AI Translation" has made significant improvements in expressing naturalness and accuracy.

Immediately after, the three classic products of WPS, Tencent Document, and Baidu Library are still loved by users. They are the most popular choices in online document services. After the transformation of artificial intelligence technology, they have added practical functions such as text creation, content rewriting, and AI-PPT generation, which brings more convenience to teamwork.

Another product worthy of attention is 360AI office. In July this year, 360 Group announced the launch of the "AI Office" brand.

The 360AI office root is planted in the "Soda Office" under 360, which is a tool station with a monthly visit of 3.3 million.

The 360AI office integrates a variety of AI applications, covering five core areas including picture processing, writing assistance, document editing, video production, and document templates, and provides more than 100 practical tools for office workers.

丨 AI social new track creates a small explosion 丨

Although Musk's "Cat Woman Robot" has not yet come out, in China, AI social emotional companion products based on large language models generate text and images have begun to flourish. Through dialogue and communication with AI, users experience unique emotional values, thereby giving birth to a unique AI social cultural track.

In the August list, we found several interesting emotional chat robot products:

The Hoshino APP created by the top domestic model "Six Little Dragons" is one of the most successful products in the AI ​​social field. This application is developed based on the MINIMAX model. Its team focuses on serving the core player group of domestic Otome games (simulated love) and gradually expands to a wider range of pan -dimensional users. Hoshino APP allows users to personalize the appearance, background stories and sounds of custom AI characters.

The innovation of the Hoshino team is to introduce the unique gameplay of "memory photos". Users can create "Xing Nian" memoirs or visual content picture books containing story fragments and sell them to other users.

In addition, the Hoshino team also encouraged users to create fascinating AI characters, and realized the commercialization of content through the "Xing Nian" trading system, showing its preliminary commercial potential.

On the 6 major Chinese social platforms we have statistics, "Hoshino" discussed the top of the top; on the search data, the keywords were searched hundreds of thousands; Promotion trajectory of the end.

The X EVA hatched by Microsoft's red cotton small ice is the first virtual digital people leisure and entertainment community in China. Users can create cloning bodies with high degree of freedom according to personal needs, and interact with virtual characters, such as chatting, sharing mood, and even video calls and sharing to the circle of friends.

Well -known big V and celebrities have the opportunity to apply for joining the X EVA platform. Clone's own digital avatars and complete the addition of V certification in order to interact with the fan group.

According to our survey, X EVA's discussion on the two short video platforms of Douyin and Kuaishou is very high, second only to the cocoa AI of Hoshino APP and Kuaishou.

Cat box, this AI social product launched by byte beating is designed to compete with Hoshino. It allows users to create virtual images freely and create a story of plot. For a long time, byte beating has been committed to launching products that can compete with Tencent in the social field. Cat boxes also have social functions such as adding friends, sending messages, and voice calls. Users can meet new friends through the platform and expand their social networks.

From the perspective of data, thanks to the extensive promotion of the products of the bytes, cat boxes have high popularity on Douyin, and the downloads have reached 2.72 million times. However, there is still a significant gap in the overall data compared to Hoshino.

丨 Image Products Red Sea Fighting, New and Old PK 丨

As the earliest rising market segment in the field of artificial intelligence, many excellent products have emerged in the field of AI image generation.

In the TOP10 of the image product rankings in August, we have witnessed the top products in various applications such as AI photo, AI trimming, AI graphic design, and AI interior design.

Kuaishou's Coco AI launched an independent new official website at the end of July, and integrated the "Graphic Model" of Kuaishou, becoming one of the few domestic AI content creation platforms that can be generated and video creation at the same time. Essence

A variety of AI original products launched by the old visual technology company Meitu, such as WINK and starting, have become the forefront of the industry. Especially for starting shooting, it is currently outstanding in oral products and has become a leader.

The popular graphic design tools such as Canva can be painted and designated, all of which have 2 million levels of access and 1 million levels of downloads, which are loved by users.

As the leading domestic interior design application, Kujiale provides convenient picture upload design functions, and uses AI technology to generate colorful decoration design solutions, which is well received by users.

丨 "Domestic Sora" rises 丨

China Science and Technology is quickly leading the world trend, and the AI ​​video generation track is inevitable.

The Sora released by Openai this year is amazing. So far, Shenlong has gone to the end, which is called "Pigeon King".

A number of "domestic Sora" represented by the VIDUs of Callei AI and Shengxian Technology has rapidly emerged in the beach market in the past two months, showing a competitive pattern of full flowers.

In June, the birth of the Kuling AI was shocked by the AI ​​circle, and his popularity was not two. In July, Ke Ling AI launched the international official website of the International, and announced the opening of commercialization and subscribing packages.

After data analysis, we found that VIDU, despite being the new entry of the market, achieved doubled the number of visits to the cocoa AI in August. It is particularly worth noting that in Indonesia with a large population, the growth rate of VIDU is particularly significant. Based on this, we concluded that in the process of internationalization, VIDU seems better than fast -handed.

In addition to the two AI video products mentioned above, the Smart spectrum AI also released the "Sora" video model product "Smart Speed ​​Clear Shadow" in July, and integrated in the wisdom spectrum talk robot, helping the latter enter the chat robot list TOP6.

The Byte of Dream AI announced in July that it will jointly build the first domestic AIGC technology short -term technology "Sanxingdui · Future Revelation" to create a continuous narrative in China to explore AI video commercial landing.

Pixverse, a micro -motion video creation platform created by domestic AI Creative Enterprise Ai Shi Technology, has maintained 2 million levels of visits for a long time, laying a solid user base.

丨 Slocked AI editing, downloading more than 200 million 丨

Our research data shows that sheltering is currently the most popular video editing tool.

Due to the promotion and binding effect of the vibrato of its parent company, the loading capacity of the shelter was as high as 210 million, which is the only product of more than 200 million downloads of the productivity tools in August.

As a national -level editing tool, it has been launched this year to launch a variety of AI functions:

Provide AI automatic step -by -click to generate video BGM soundtrack; AI cloning sound and one -click creating AI virtual digital person anchor image; graphic plog one -click forming, automatic soundtrack; AI intelligent generating subtitles, narration, etc. Really reduced the burden and efficiency for the content creator.

丨 Painting, the animation production tools that grandma will use 丨

Painting is a very popular animation tool, known for its low threshold. It can help users quickly create various animation demonstration videos and PPT presentation works, which are often used to make various propaganda and examples.

In the AIGC era, the painting came to carry out a large -scale product upgrade, and integrated a number of generative AI capabilities.

The AI ​​painting function and AI digital human anchor creation function is launched, and a one -stop IP digital asset management system is provided to bring the gospel to the brand department of the enterprise, especially the e -commerce industry that requires a large number of fast -moving promotion.

We investigate and develop that the public opinion popularity of painting on Weibo, WeChat and Xiaohongshu is very high, far higher than similar video production products, and these platforms are exactly the main stages of e -commerce operations.

丨 AI education brand emerges quickly 丨

AIGC, as a new technology based on the existing content pool, is automatically popularized on the education track.

Overseas, the earliest people who were widely penetrated by ChatGPT were teachers and students from campuses at all levels.

AI technology can simulate the teaching content that is close to actual life, help teachers and students to find information, write texts, repair grammar, and help teachers to evaluate students to learn from students, find out the personality and differences of different individuals.

In China, a large number of well -known educational brands represented by operational gangs, learning, and ape tutoring have emerged a large number of AI products developed based on large model transformations.

We investigate and develop that the work of the Education Factory helped with amazing promotion and brand appeal, and we still firmly occupy the challenge of the education list;

The new brand of native AI education such as zebra AI, dolphin AI studies such as Ape Counseling is rising rapidly.

Adhering to the image of a robot assistant in the AI ​​era, Hi Echo, a AI spoken coach product produced by Netease, has taken the lead in opening a new model of foreign language teaching in virtual digital human beings in China.

丨 Secret Tower becomes ai search super new stars 丨

In the AIGC era, "AI Search" is a new concept of product form.

Summary of direct results of advertising, summary of the search results, and structured content display and providing sources are the three major features of AI search.

In the industry evaluation, the new format of AI search will have a certain impact on the traditional search pattern, and it will also force traditional search giants to make changes.

At present, there are many new products developed by Tiantong AI and Secret Tower AI, such as AI Search, and have been polished in depth in product power and developed professional academic search services based on research papers retrieval and generated.

As early as September last year, Tiantong AI took the lead in starting the concept of "AI Search" and has the advantages of brand migration.

We investigated and developed the secret tower AI search that hatched the AI ​​writing product "Secret Tower Writing Cat" to carry out a round of social public opinion in the first half of 2024. It received staged results and operating data has reached a record high. Its visited volume in August was 7.96 million, and it became the leader of the male dominant side with a volume of nearly tens of millions.

丨 Summary: Product Power+Power Power = Hard Power 丨

In August, the competition of domestic AI products entered the heat.

Compared with July, Dou Bao's anti -Superwen said the biggest change. By relying on the strong content product matrix of the byte system, it was successfully promoted to the number one domestic AI product.

The list of the list in this issue revealed that native AI products such as bean bags, Kimi, and cocoa AI are not inferior to old products that have been transformed in AI.

Driven the content of product elements around socialized public opinion: ① information flow advertising coverage; ② customized soft content to reach and screen the target customer base.

After the guidance of public opinion fermentation, it is transformed into a significant user search, access and APP download action, and will eventually be reflected in the AI ​​product list.

For product manufacturers, it is necessary to forge product power, but also need to forge a stronger reputation in marketing, find out their own value positioning, and conduct appropriate launch channel screening for positioning.

Finally, seeing developers such as bytes, Kimi, and other developers continue to attack the city. Traditional large manufacturers Baidu will be renamed "Wen Xiaoyan", and Ali will split Alipay AI living assistant to launch the "Zhibao" APP alone. We boldly speculate that C -side users will be the focus of the competition in the second half of the year.

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