How to demolish buildings in Phantom Palu

Time: 2024-06-19source:Author: early morning

Phantom Palu is a popular RPG game that is loved by players. Its inspiration comes from the classic Pokémon series. In this fantasy world, players will meet and get along with various cute Palu, and lead them to make exciting fighting duels. The game world of Phantom Palu is broad and diverse, including various ecological environments such as forests, grasslands, deserts, and snow mountains. In this world, there are all kinds of Palu, with different forms, some cute, some mighty, and some mysterious. Each Paru has its unique attributes and skills. Players need to establish a deep bond with them by capturing, cultivating, evolution and other methods. Next, let Huajun Xiaobian answer how to demolish the building and the method of dismantling the building in the fantasy beast Palu!

First step

First, players need to click the B key on the keyboard to open the building menu. In the building menu, players can browse and choose various building options.

Step 2

In the building menu, players need to press the C key to switch to the demolition mode. The demolition mode allows players to choose and demolish the built buildings.

Step 3

After entering the demolition mode, the player can close the building you want to dismantle, and determine the goal to be demolished through the target instructions in the game. Please make sure you choose the right building, because once demolition is started, it may not be able to be canceled.

Step 4

Once confirmed that the building to be demolished, players can directly click on the demolition button on the screen (for keyboard and mouse users) or press the corresponding button (for the handle user) on the handle to start the demolition process. It does not need to consume any supplies for disassembling operations, which is very convenient.

Step 5

It is worth noting that the demolition of the building will return all the construction materials. This means that players can re -use these materials to build other buildings or perform activities in other games.

The above is how the Fantasy Beast Paul compiled by Hua Jun for you how to demolish buildings and the method of dismantling architecture in Phantom Palu, I hope to help you!

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