What should I do if the 360 ​​browser can’t download the file

Time: 2024-04-26Source: Huajun Software TutorialAuthor: early morning

      The 360 ​​browser is a commonly used browser, but sometimes it encounters a situation that cannot be downloaded. This may be caused by some settings or unstable network connection. The following editors will introduce the solution for everyone, let's take a look together!

1. First find a file that needs to be downloaded, click to download.

2. After clicking the download, I find that the file has no progress changes, or the progress bar will be downloaded and shows the download failure.

3. At this time, open the browser and find [San Heng] - [Settings] in the upper right corner.

4. Find the [Basic Settings] sector in the option. In the [Download Settings] sector, use the "download acceleration template" to check and remove.

5. After downloading again, it is found that the download progress bar is obviously changing.

6. Then you can get the file you need.

The above is the detailed solution of the 360 ​​browser compiled by Xiaobian. I hope it can help everyone!

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