How to change the password Steam? What is the step process of -Steam's password change?

Time: 2024-03-27source:Author: sesame cake

Steam is an open gaming platform, and any user can upload, buy, and download games through Steam. So how do Steam change the password? What is the step process of Steam to change the password? Let me answer it!

How to change the password Steam?

1. First of all, you need to log in to your Steam account. After logging in successfully, click your Steam avatar to view your personal information.

2. Then click "Settings".

3. Select "Change Password" in the pop -up menu.

4. In the pop -up password page, you need to enter your old password first, then enter the new password you want to set, and then enter the verification code to modify the password success.

The above is how to change the password compiled by the editor of Hua Jun for you? The operation process of Steam changing the password, I hope to help you.

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