What is the use of the secret treasure of Chaos Dragon in the Battle of Gold Shovel-Introduction

Time: 2022-09-14Source: Game GuideAuthor: Xiaoyuer

What is the use of the secret treasures of the Chaos Dragon of the Chaos Dragon of the Golden Shovel? Today, I will explain the role of the secret treasure of the chaos dragon of the golden shovel. Let ’s take a look with Xiaobian. Hope to help everyone.

1. The secret treasure of Chaos Dragon

[Secret Treasure of Chaos Dragon] Every time, it will be brushed out of precious troops. Lornes do not have a clear theme or purpose, but they are all precious -some may be more valuable, but you need to brush out the choice that is best for your lineup.

[Secret Treasure of Chaos Dragon] It may include coats, Ao En artifacts, hero copywheels, gold shovels, and almost all the props that players may get. At the same time, the target dummy will return to the field. Let's take a look at anything you can brush!

The rewards of [Chaos Dragon's Secret Treasure] are rich in rewards, providing players with more room for exploration. Is it looking for the fetters, making up the high bond lineup, or the hero copywheel, the target dummy and the gold coin, stop your hands early?

Second, the secret treasure of the dragon

In the S7 season, the secret treasure of the dragon replaced the front beak, providing players with a decision opportunity to improve their equipment configuration. Compared with the Bird Bird, the season's season mechanism makes players look forward to it. At the same time, it also exclude the player's lineup in the 4-7 stage has been formed, but it is found that the equipment given by the beak bird is not used at all.

Generally speaking, after the player reaches the secret treasure stage of the dragon, it will constantly refresh until a piece of equipment or component that has long desired the Lord output. In this way, the decision -making in the refresh process is not that important, because players only want that piece or component anyway. It can even be said that the strategy of the secret treasure of the dragon has been fixed, but we are the secret of the secret, so we should give the dragon's secret treasure more variable.

Dragon's secret treasure no longer is the same way of distribution of loot every time, but there will be three different versions. In the new version of the [Secret Treasure of Chaos Dragon] and [Secret Treasure of Order Dragon], there are 30%of the probability in the game, while the remaining 40%of the opponents still appear traditional dragon secret treasures.

The battle of the gold shovel against the game

1. Each hero character is matched with the corresponding weapons and equipment to bring their strength to the strongest.

2. Of course, in the new version, different heroes with more different weapons and equipment can easily eliminate opponents;

3. And here will play more PKs with seven different players to complete more games on the same stage, and win the final victory;

4. All data and all character skills can be released in the game. Cultivate your hero.

5. Challenge the real primitive self -take chess and control your role to quickly attack together.

6. Experience the new end -of -term game scene, enjoy different real chess games, and experience the real self -rotation war.

The above is what is the use of the secret treasures of the Chaos Dragon of the Gold Shovel Battle of the Gold Shovel. Interested friends come and watch!

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