How to use WPS to process date data format

Time: 2024-05-11Source: Huajun Informationauthor:

​ ​ 1. Sort the data by date so that data in the same format are concentrated with each other.

Sort data by date

Sort data by date

​ ​ 2. Use the custom format function to process the "19981213" type date.

Execute "Format" → "Cells", in the "Number" tab of the pop-up "Cell Format" dialog box, click "Category (C):" → "Custom", under "Type (T):" Enter "0000-00-00" (without quotation marks) and confirm.

Use custom format

Use custom formats

3. Process various delimited dates.

​ ​ Next, just use the find and replace function to replace various separators with the standard date separator: "-". You can easily adjust the date format uniformly.

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