How to match the League of Legends mobile game bombers-League of Legends Mobile Games Bomber

Time: 2021-12-09Source: Game GuideAuthor: Rocket

Many people don't know how to match the League of Legends mobile game bombers? The article brought to you today is the match strategy of the League of Legends mobile game bombs, and it is not clear that your friends and Xiaobian can learn together.

1. Line skills

First of all, let's talk about the tips on the line. The Q skill of the Bombers has a post -shaking mechanism. Unless it is said that it is directly hitting the enemy, you can take advantage of the hero to make a knife. Because the bombers have passive effects, the damage is also very high. Do not ignore it. The bombers have a fast line after molding, and the effect of suppression as much as possible, because the hero W skill has a blasting effect on the defensive tower below 15%, so as long as the defense tower is played on the line Unplug it.

Second, line assassin

Most of the mage has a headache for the threading assassin, so what skills do the bombers have? First of all, the W skill of the bombers can repel the enemy and let themselves change their positions. Take Aso as an example. When the active E stepped forward, put the W to blast under the foot, and then put the E skill to decelerate and pitch the poke kite. Regardless of any assassin, as long as W skill is good, there is no problem, but after all, it is still a crispy hero, so the earlier the golden enchantment, the better.

Third, matchmaker

There is no difficulty to the line of the line. If you do n’t fight with yourself, you can push the line and then click the tower. You can also find the opportunity to help your teammates throw a big time, because the bombers can be cleared. Therefore, it is important to walk quickly after the end of the push. Although the bombers have high damage in the later period, they will definitely be targeted at GANK by the jungle for too much time.

Third, line hero

1. Fight: There is no pressure on the line 5 before the line 5, the controllable line can be cleared to run to support, and after level 5, you must be careful of the opponent's robbery to take you away. Do not control the line at this time. Line, look at the starting line support;

2. Fighting in Gario: Gario can be said to be the opponent that the bombers do not want to see. The magic armor given by his W skill can greatly reduce your consumption ability. At this time, it will develop peacefully with him. Waiting for the group;

3. Fighting Fitz: Playing requires a line of control. Pay attention to the three skills of Xiaoyu. Control the distance. After level 5, clear the line to swim. This morning, an hourglass was a big move to avoid the small fish. Try not to walk the river as much as possible;

4. Fighting Diana: In the early stage, Jiao Yue replenished soldiers, and 1 and 3 skills consumed her. The third level of Jiaoyue is a strong period, which is hit by 1 skill on the opposite side. The Bomber 2 skill can play her. Then chased her, at which time she had no skills in her hand. After level 5, the bombers 2 skills can interrupt the big move of Jiao Yue.

The League of Legends mobile game bombers who shared for you above are all the contents of the line. Interested friends come and watch!

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