What skills do I have in the League of Legends mobile game bombers

Time: 2021-12-09Source: Game GuideAuthor: Xiaoxin

Recently, some friends consult Xiaobian League of Legends mobile game bombers. What skills do you have? Here are the skills introduction of the League of Legends mobile game bombers. Friends who need it can learn about it.

Passive skills: Send it when you touch it

Every time, Giggs's next ordinary attack will cause additional (20+30%AP) magic damage. The cooling time of [one touch] will be reduced by 4 seconds every time Giggus uses a skill. Double damage to the building.

Cooling time: 12S

Skill analysis: After applying skills, you can reduce the cooling time of the skill 4 seconds

1 skill: bouncing bomb

Giggs threw a bomb bomb that caused (75+65%AP) magic damage to the enemy.

Cooling time: 7.5/6.5/5.5/4.5

Mana Consumption: 45/50/55/60

Basic damage: 75/135/195/255

Skill analysis: remote consumption of enemies on the line

2 Skills: fixed -point blasting

Giggs thrown a explosive bag and exploded after 4 seconds, or exploded after applying the skill again. The explosion will cause (70+50%AP) magic damage and repel them. Giggs will also be repelled, but it will not be harmed. Giggs can use this skill to blast the enemy's health value below 15%of the defense tower.

Cooling Time: 21S/18S/15S/12S

Basic damage: 70/115/160/205

Defensive tower blasting threshold: 15/20/25/30%

Skill analysis: It can quickly destroy the defense tower below 15%of the blood volume, or it can also be used to escape

3 Skills: Hex Blasting Thunder Area

Giggsb's induction thunder region as soon as the enemy stepped on the enemy, caused by (50+35%AP) magic damage and the effects of slowing down 35%of the effect of (50+35%AP). The follow -up explosion of the same goal will cause less 40%damage.

Cooling time: 16s

Mana Consumption: 70/80/90/100

Basic damage: 50/105/160/215

Specification: 35%/40%/45%/50%

Skill analysis: After use, the opponent's movement can be reduced, and it can help us occupy the favorable terrain

Ultimate skill: scientific hell artillery

Giggs deployed his cutting -edge invention, scientific hell artillery, pushing it a long distance and causing (300+105%AP) magic damage. Enemies who are not in the central explosion are damaged by 66.67%.

Cooling Time: 80S/65S/50S

Mana Consumption: 100

Basic damage: 300/450/600

Outer circle radius: 5

Inner circle radius: 2.5

Skill analysis: Large -scale damage, can be used for long -distance support

The League of Legends mobile game bombers have all the skills of the League of Legends mobile game bombers above. Interested friends come and watch!

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