How to issue a break -up application for nailing computer?

Time: 2021-11-06Source: InternetAuthor: early morning

Dear friends want to know how to apply for a break -up application? The following is a detailed introduction to the application for the application of the nail computer version. Come and see, I hope it can help everyone!

Let's open the computer version of the nail, enter the account password, and click login.

Screenshots of the detailed process of nail computer version of the adjustment application

Then log in to the main page of the nail, and click the four blocks on the left to "work".

Screenshots of the detailed process of nail computer version of the adjustment application

After opening the nail workbench, click on the left "approval".

Screenshots of the detailed process of nail computer version of the adjustment application

Then we found the "Tune" on the approval interface.

Screenshots of the detailed process of nail computer version of the adjustment application

Enter the corresponding content as required in the approval details.

Screenshots of the detailed process of nail computer version of the adjustment application

After the input is completed, add the approval person (usually your direct manager leader). The copy can be added below, and you can copy it to the person who is attending the attendance or have a business during your work. Click "Submit".

Screenshots of the detailed process of nail computer version of the adjustment application

After submitting, automatically jump to the interface as shown in the figure, waiting for leadership approval.

Screenshots of the detailed process of nail computer version of the adjustment application

After the approval is approved again, after opening it again, you can see that the approval is completed (agreed), so that your adjustment application is completed.

Screenshots of the detailed process of nail computer version of the adjustment application

The above is the detailed process introduction of the application of the nail computer version. Have you all learned it!

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