How to use HD TUNE detection SSD performance? HD TUNE detection SSD performance How to use the performance of the performance of SSD performance

Time: 2021-10-24Source: InternetAuthor: Huluwa

How to use HD TUNE detection SSD performance? This chapter mainly introduces HD Tune detects the performance of SSD performance. Friends who do n’t know, follow the editor to learn, I hope it will be helpful to you.

Open the HD TUNE, select the benchmark __ -test reading rate. In the figure, you can see that the highest value is 322.8MB/s. You can use this value to compare the read rate given by the SSD you purchased.

Select the benchmark __ Test writing entry rate. In the figure, you can see that the highest value is 139.5MB/s. You can use this value to compare the writing rate given by the SSD you purchased.

Secondly, the error scanning, if it is all green proved that there is no bad way, if there is red, you will go to the sale after sale (if it is a new SSD)

If you are still not assured, you can click _ disk information. Here you can see detailed support performance and information about various detected disk, as shown in the figure

Finally, a random IO performance test is performed. In fact, it is also the key to SSD, but novices may not pay much attention to this, they only pay attention to continuous reading and continuous writing. The picture below is a random reading test diagram, which can be compared with the parameters given by the SSD you purchased

The following figure is a randomly written test diagram, which can be compared with the parameters given by the SSD you purchased. Through these steps, I believe that you have a deep understanding of your SSD performance.

Here are the use of HD Tune to detect SSD performance. Friends who need it, please take a look at this article!

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