What should I do if the VLC player Chinese subtitles appear in Chinese subtitles? VLC player Chinese subtitles appear garbled to process

Time: 2021-09-16Source: InternetAuthor: Huluwa

What should I do if the Chinese subtitles appear in the Chinese subtitles of the VLC player? Many users are consulting this question? Let ’s take a look at the Chinese subtitles of the VLC player here.

1. When using VLC player to add subtitles to the video, Chinese subtitles sometimes have garbled. This is the "tool" button in the top menu bar, and select the "Preference Settings" option in the open drop -down menu.

VLC Media Player (videolan) screenshot

2. Switch the newly opened window to the "letters" tab, and then set the "default coding" shown in the figure to "GM, Chinese (GB18030)".

VLC Media Player (videolan) screenshot

3. Then modify the font of the subtitles to any Chinese font, and click "Save" in the lower right corner after the modification is completed.

VLC Media Player (videolan) screenshot

4. Load the subtitles again, so there is no problem, let's try it.

Here is a garbled method for the Chinese subtitles of the VLC player. Friends who need it, please take a look at this article!

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