Tribe conflict mobile game city wall finger ring acquisition strategy

Time: 2020-01-15Source: InternetAuthor: Huluwa

After the players started the tribal conflict mobile game, they all envy others to have a city wall ring. So how do you want to have it? The following is the Raiders of the Trek Mobile Games Wall Ring. I hope everyone likes it.

  Wall ring ring acquisition

The new magic item, the city wall ring, can be purchased with gems with the merchant, or it can be obtained for free in the tribal competition. It is not ruled out that there are some game events in the future, and the city wall ring is the event reward.

  City wall ringing

Players can use a city wall ring, which can immediately upgrade a city wall and use it at home and architectural master bases. Such magic items can be stored at most 25.

  Practical value and consumption of the city wall ring ring

Village mode: 1-8-level city walls, each city wall ring is required, 2 levels of 9-level city walls need 2, 3 levels of the 10th city walls require 4, and 4 levels of levels are required to be promoted.

Night World: 1-4-level city walls, each city wall ring is required, 2 level 5 city walls need 2, 4 level 6 city walls require 4, 6 to 7-level city walls, and 8 levels of 8-level city walls need 8.

Regarding the strategy of the tribal conflict mobile game city wall finger ring, I will explain here today, I hope to help everyone.

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