What is the use of neon abyss pet Jack

Time: 2021-07-23Source: Game GuideAuthor: monster

Recently, many friends are consulting Xiaobian's neon abyss pet Jack? Now I will share with you the introduction of neon abyss pet Jack, I hope to help everyone.


Ranger network

Health Health: 6

Can it evolve: Yes (can be evolved to the second generation of Jack)

Description: Bullets in random directions.

Jack second -generation

Ranger network

Health Health: 6

Can it evolve: Yes (it can be evolved into the third generation of Jack)

Description: Launch the grenade in a random direction.

Jack three generations

Ranger network

Health Health: 6

Can it evolve: No

Description: Launch the mines in a random direction. After the death, 5 thunder is generated to destroy the surrounding area.

The above is the introduction of neon abyss pets shared by Xiaobian. Friends who are not clear can be understood.

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