What should I do if IE10 uninstall failure-IE10 uninstall failure solution

Time: 2021-05-17Source: Huajun Software TutorialAuthor: Bantanman

What should I do if Win7 IE10 fails? Recently, many friends have been consulted by the editor, so today I will bring you a solution to the IE10 unloading failure.

1. Click the start menu -all programs -attachments;

Win7 system to completely uninstall the IE9/10/11 browser! It only takes two steps to uninstall [Graphic]

2. Find the "command prompt", right -click and select "Run as an administrator";

Win7 system to completely uninstall the IE9/10/11 browser! It only takes two steps to uninstall [Graphic]

3. In the command prompt, enter and uninstall the code according to the different browser versions, copy it, right -click in the command prompt box, select "paste", press the return key to uninstall it to uninstall it

FORFILES /P %Windir %ServicingPackages /M Microsoft-Windows-Internetexplorer-*10.*.*. Mum /C "CMD /C Echo University up: @fname /Quiet /Norestart

Win7 system to completely uninstall the IE9/10/11 browser! It only takes two steps to uninstall [Graphic]

The above is the solution to the IE10 unloading failure brought by Xiaobian. I hope it can help everyone.

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