Diablo 2 The King of Destruction of Destroyer Practice-Diablo 2 Destroyer Raiders Raiders

Time: 2021-01-08Source: Game GuideAuthor: snack

For the novice players of the Destroyer 2 King of Dysgrot 2, maybe not know how the assassin can practice in the game? So today, I will share with you the assassin leveling skills of the Destroyer 2 of Dark Destruction. Friends can come and see.


Department of martial arts:

Tiger strike (5): There is no doubt to add it to the highest. At level 20, it will cause 1440 enhancement damage to a single target. Unfortunately, this skill can be mistakenly used. Once you use it to collect gas, do not end with a kick (for example, dragon foot, dragon tail, or Longxiang). Instead, you want to use your ordinary attack or dragon foot to release energy. The damage of the kick is based on sensitive, and it is much worse than the damage of your claws. I release it with ordinary attacks. When your weapon damage is 100, of course, you will not use the enhanced damage of 1440 for a kick with only 20 points of damage.

Dragon foot (3): 1 or more. This skill is actually not bad. It is very good if you have problems with early hitting the target. This skill can be used for various occasions, because when it is 20, it will cause 3 kicks and about 130 kick damage. Once it is reiterated, I think that kicking does not have enough harm compared to most claws.

Flame Palm (2): 1 point. This skill is okay in ordinary difficulty, but when the nightmare or hell is difficult, the damage is poor. The only reason I added to it is that it has regional effects.

Snake strike [in some places to translate into a blood letter] (4): 1 point. This is a useful skill, and it is only practical for specific occasions. If you do not have continuous blood -sucking and magic, this is a good skill. In order to maximize this skill, use "tiger strike" to collect gas before using. When you release the two at the same time, you can almost be sure of your blood and magic.

Dragon Claw (4): 1 point, if you are single, add to the maximum. If you plan to use two claws, you should add it to the maximum. Combining tiger strikes, this skill can provide strong damage.

Dragon Tail (3): 1 point. I don't know this skill completely. It can add a certain percentage of fire damage to your kick. Because the damage of the kick is very low, I think this skill is sufficient. This is a good place that it will repel the enemy around you. If you are often siege, bind it.

Lighting claw (3): 1 point. Among all incredible gas collection techniques, this is one of the maximum harm. Unfortunately, the first gas collection is the best. This makes it difficult to use, because you have to release it after you gather it once. Many skills are needed to convert it for it, which is worth it. I think other types of assassins can maximize it. I haven't added it so much.

Ice Blade (2): 1 point. The damage of this skill is very low, compared with Fengwu. It is just because you have not learned to dance.

Long Xiang (3): 1 point. Without two seconds of cast delays, it will be another surprise skill. Another problem is that you can't use it as you want. In fact, it requires a monster goal. Unlike jumping or soul transmission, it cannot be used as a tool for travel. Using it in battle it will be very conducive to getting away from the "people" pile. Sometimes you can use it through the gully, if there are monsters around. It should have been very good, but it was disappointed.

Feng Wu (5): 1 point. The reason why this skill is great is based on such a reason: it has the ability to freeze the target. It is a regional effect iceblink [a dark gold Splint Mail]. In the third time, it can freeze the goal around you. It is a useful skill. Unfortunately, [FT, there have been several times using this word], the damage is relatively low, and it is also painful to choose from three gas collectives. In my opinion, the main reason for Blizzard to make this skill is to help assassins solve various different immune monsters. It is almost impossible to use the first two gases (the first time is a meteor, and the second time is the Lightning Chain). As an assassin, your attack is very fast. It will slow down your attack only if you set it only 1 or twice. In hell, their damage is not so high. Therefore, basically the first two gas collection is wasted, and the third time is the most commonly used.


Steel claws (4): If you are willing, you can add it to the maximum. I won't add it to the largest immediately, but add a little here and add a little more. Each level of liters, it will add 4 more damage, so you don't need to add to the maximum. I think it should have 6-7 damage per level.

Spirit Hammer (2): 1 point. This is a useful skill before you did not learn to think about it. Use it to stun the enemy. This can be used to deal with monsters that can move instantly and block them on the road.

Runaway (5): 8 o'clock. This skill costs 8 o'clock to upgrade. It is necessary because it can improve your attack speed and running speed. You should put this halo in a state of always effective. Remember, at one time you can only use one of the runaway, bleaching and venom. I suggest that you use runaway most of the time.

Phantom cloak (1): 1 point. I think this skill is really annoying. It weakens your field of vision and makes it dark. It can reduce the enemy's defense and be blind, but I usually have a high enough attack rate, which makes this skill unreasonable.

Weapon block (3): 1 point. If you are a header [or Pker], I suggest to invest a few points on it. For me, I use claws and shields. This saves your skill points, provides the same block rate, and you can also get some resistance from the shield.

Dyeing (3): 1-3 points. This is a very convenient skill, just like Durance of Hate. It can reduce the duration of the curse and increase a large amount of resistance. Used when dealing with old monsters with element attacks. I found that under the difficulty of ordinary and nightmares, this skill is useless -I usually have enough resistance. Hell difficulty, it is a life -saving tool.

Shadow Samurai (4): 1 point. Provide a bait. The shadow warrior used the skills you used at the time, which made it very convenient. I believe this skill is more useful than Master Shadow, because you can accurately know what skills it uses. There is no doubt that there should always be a shadow warrior to accompany.

Stranger (4): 1-4 o'clock. This is an important group control skill. It has regional effects and has a long period of dizziness. First hit the monster, and then hit them when they can't move. The only problem of this skill is that it consumes 15 magic and currently has a bug. I think how much percentage exists to transform monsters is incorrect. Sometimes, after trying it 10 times, you don't even transform a monster, but sometimes you turn successfully for the first time. Usually, if you are not successful for the first time, you will not be able to transform monsters for a while. If so, it is too strange.

Venom (1): 0 points. This seems to be a good skill, but its damage is not as high as imagined. At the same time, you cannot use runaway, so your attack will slow down due to it. Also, venom is only effective for one goal, unlike Druid's rabies skills. The only role of this skill is to increase the effect on the current unusal toxic attacks. Let's go away with runaway.

Shadow Master (2): 1 or 0 o'clock. Many people say that they want to maximize it. There is really no reason to do this. Master Shadow's attack is very slow, and it can hardly cause any harm. Coupled with the shadow master randomly use the skills in all skill trees. This unpredictable makes it difficult to use it effectively. I use shadow warriors because you can always know what it is using. Nothing is just a monster than you, but the shadow master has transformed it to it. The only use of the shadow master is that it has more lives. I think the shadow samurai has enough life, especially in the games of 4 or more people.


Angry (2): 1 point. A very interesting skill. In the early days, this was a good trap because it had an explosion radius. Take it as a remote attack.

Power grid (1): 1 point. This trap is not very good because its magic consumption and damage are not proportional. Moreover, the enemy must step into the trap to cause damage.

Rhino blade (2): 0 points. This is another interesting skill, but I personally skip it because it is not a prerequisite for any good skills.

Watch (2): 1 point. Frankly, I really never tried this. Compared with anger, the range is too small. So I think this skill is too weak.

Angry (3): 1 point. Among all traps, the scope of this is the largest. This should be the first trap you used in the game. Whenever you have magic, use it. I think if you don't want the end of the nightmare, add it to the maximum. It can only burn 5 times, but it has decent damage.

Crazy knife (3): 0 points. Frankly speaking, I have never seen it have been used. With the fast -casting equipment, it may be good, but at the 20th level, the damage of only 100 per knife is not worth the maximum. I'm not sure if it can penetrate the enemy. If that's the case, it is like a bone gun.

Electric robberies (3): 1 point. Because it can launch 10 times, the launch speed is fast, and there are good damage, so this is a good trap. However, it almost can't hit the monster that moves. If you are an assassin who focuses on traps, you can add it to the maximum.

Wake of intends (4): 0 or maximum. This trap is my personal love. It has the best role in dealing with fixed goals. Basically, it is like a witch's hell fire, because it shows the effect of consuming the target life. Put 5 on one goal, and then observe the disappearance of life. But because most monsters in hell are highly resistant, it is not very effective. It is a praise to use it to deal with the old monsters and soldiers you attack.

Portal cooking (4): 1-4 o'clock. The only use of it is its corpse explosion effect. Use it like a witch -kill a few monsters, and then put a few as the terminator. I hope it is better, but the effect of corpse explosion is really good.

Blade Shield (1): 0 points. This skill is completely useless.

For assassins, two mercenaries are the most effective. I will describe these two favorite characters.

Act II attacking mercenaries: This mercenary will provide "sacred blessing" [skills of ranger "at a low level, and it will cause good damage with spear and Polearm. If your sensitivity is low, this halo is very good. At high levels, he often switched to "Power" [Ranger Skills]. This can provide you with great additional damage at high levels.

The fifth barbarians: This mercenary is a veritable powerful tank. He has high vitality and extremely high damage. Equipped him with a sword with extra damage or demons with high damage. This sword should have the attribute to increase the attack speed. This savage will have 20 attacks at the attack speed. In addition, because he is usually among the crowd and has to bear many blows, he will give him an armor or a creamy ring [all magic of witch] when he is hit. My mercenary armor has a 10 -chance to cast the attributes of the 3rd electrostatic field. This may be the best armor for the savage. The helmet should provide strength and+all resistance attributes.

Let's take a look at the large -scale killing skills of the assassin! (It is worth using)

1) Dragon Tail (Longtai) Requires the character level: 18

The advantage of this skill is good operation, no air storage, fast attack speed! Moves and so on.

Disadvantages: attack algorithm

Grade 20 fire damage increases by 240 %

I do n’t know how the base is calculated, is it an attack on the fire that comes with the weapon. If this is the case! The weapon of the high attached band is the first choice! Magic consumption is medium!

2) Phoenix Strike (Feng Wu) Requires Character level: 30

One skill is attacked with three elements. It must be learned. It is recommended to learn 20 levels. In the face of large physical immunity, it is useful.

The attack power is low. In the later period, the effect is not obvious!

Level 20

Attack level increased by 355 %

The first layer of gas meteor shower damage 238-258

The second layer of gas collecting Lightning damage 1-281

The third layer of chaotic ice arrow damage 124-140

3) DEATH SENTRY (Death Trap) Requires Character Level: 30

Mana consumption: 20, release 5 times, the damage is 40-80 of the body's health

Level 10

Lightning damage 58-68

The scope of the corpse (code) 6.3

Level 10

Lightning damage 58-68

The scope of the corpse (code) 6.3

Level 10

Lightning damage 58-68

The scope of the corpse (code) 6.3

Level 20

Lightning damage 120-130

The scope of the corpse (code) 9.6

Also needed skills

Tiger Strike (Tiger Strike) Level 20

Three -level air storage power increases by 1440 percent

Set weapon claw one-handed damage: 123-153

Claw system masters 20 attacks and increases 111

Attack power reaches 3737-4649

The tactics of the assassin should be like this:

When encountering the enemy, use Mind Blast to translate two or three, and then put two death traps to open FADE (Sub -Retreat) and Blade Shield (Knife Shield), and your own shadow -Shadow Master (Phantom Phantom (Phantom (Phantom Rush into the enemy line. Three tigers, snakes (blood -sucking), and then put them out. Kill one! Then there is a piece !!

The fourth defense of the assassin is the most important, because it is a combat type, the later four defense shields and FADE (fading) are essential! Moreover, the attack speed requirement is particularly high! Hitting must also be high! Only in this way can it guarantee fast killing.

The technique must be purely familiar, three tigers hit, the eye snake is a fixed routine, you must practice!

Only in this way can you kill one person in ten steps and stay without stay.

The above is the skills of the Diablo 2 of the Dark Destroyer 2 shared by the author. I hope it can help everyone.

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