Maybe some friends still don’t know what the PS shortcut keys are? Then the editor below will bring you a complete collection of PS shortcut keys. Friends in need should come and take a look. I believe it can help everyone use PS more conveniently and quickly.
Note: For mac version of PS, just replace Ctrl with CMD
1. Documents
Open as ALT+CTRL+O
Close CTRL+W
Save as web page CTRL+ALT+S
Print settings CTRL+ALT+P
Page settings CTRL+SHIFT+P
2. Edit
Step forward CTRL+SHIFT+Z
Step back CTRL+ALT+Z
Merge copy CTRL+SHIFT+C
Paste CTRL+V
Paste in place CTRL+SHIFT+V
Free Transform CTRL+T
Transform again CTRL+SHIFT+T
Color settings CTRL+SHIFT+K
3. Image
Adjust → Levels CTRL+L
Adjust → Auto Levels CTRL+SHIFT+L
Adjust → Auto Contrast CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+L
Adjust→Curve CTRL+M
Adjust → Color Balance CTRL+B
Adjustment→Hue/Saturation CTRL+U
Adjust → Desaturate CTRL+SHIFT+U
Adjust → Reverse CTRL+I
Extract CTRL+ALT+X
4. Layers
Create a new layer CTRL+SHIFT+N
Create a new layer via CTRL+J
Group with previous layer CTRL+G
Merge layers CTRL+E
Merge visible layers CTRL+SHIFT+E
5. Choice
Select all CTRL+A
Deselect CTRL+D
Select all CTRL+SHIFT+D
Invert selection CTRL+SHIFT+I
Feather CTRL+ALT+D
6. Filter
Last filter operation CTRL+F
7. View
Check color CTRL+Y
Color gamut warning CTRL+SHIFT+Y
Zoom in CTRL++
Zoom out CTRL+-
Display CTRL+0 on full canvas
Actual pixel CTRL+ALT+0
Show append CTRL+H
Show grid CTRL+ALT+'
Show ruler CTRL+R
Enable alignment CTRL+;
Set reference line CTRL+ALT+;
8. Window
Close all CTRL+SHIFT+W
9. Help
Catalog F1
Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee Tool [M]
Cropping tool [C]
Move tool【V】
Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso [L]
Magic Wand Tool [W]
Spray gun tool【J】
Brush Tool [B]
Leather stamp, pattern stamp【S】
History Brush Tool [Y]
Like skin eraser tool [E]
Pencil, straight line tool [N]
Blur, sharpen, smear tools [R]
Dodge, Burn, Sponge Tool [O]
Fountain pen, free pen, magnetic pen [P]
Add Anchor Point Tool [+]
Delete anchor point tool [-]
Direct selection tool [A]
Text, text mask, vertical text, vertical text mask [T]
Measurement Tool【U】
Linear gradient, radial gradient, symmetrical gradient, angle gradient, diamond gradient [G]
Paint Bucket Tool【K】
Straw, color sampler【I】
Gripper tool【H】
Zoom tool [Z]
Default foreground and background colors [D]
Switch the foreground color and background color [X]
Switch between standard mode and quick mask mode [Q]
Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar, full screen mode [F]
Temporarily use the move tool [Ctrl]
Temporarily use the color absorbing tool [Alt]
Temporarily use the gripper tool [space]
Open the tool options panel [Enter]
Quickly enter tool options (there is at least one adjustable number in the current tool options panel): [0] to [9]
Cycle through brush selection [[] or []]
Select the first brush [Shift]+[[]
Select the last brush [Shift]+[]]
Create a new gradient (in the "Gradient Editor") [Ctrl] + [N]
File operations
Create a new graphic file [Ctrl] + [N]
Create a new file with default settings [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[N]
Open an existing image [Ctrl] + [O]
Open as...[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[O]
Close the current image [Ctrl] + [W]
Save current image [Ctrl] + [S]
Save as...[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[S]
Save copy [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[S]
Page settings [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[P]
Open the "Presets" dialog box [Ctrl] + [K]
Display the last displayed "Preferences" dialog box [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [K]
Set "General" options (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [1]
Set "Storage File" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [2]
Set "Display and Cursor" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [3]
Set "Transparent Area and Color Gamut" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [4]
Set "Units and Scales" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [5]
Set "Guide Lines and Grid" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [6]
Set "Plug-ins and Scratch Disks" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [7]
Set "Memory and Image Cache" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [8]
Edit operations
Undo/redo previous operation [Ctrl]+[Z]
Restore more than two steps [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Z]
Redo more than two steps [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Z]
Cut the selected image or path [Ctrl] + [X] or [F2]
Copy the selected image or path [Ctrl] + [C]
Merge copy [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C]
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the current graphic [Ctrl] + [V] or [F4]
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the selection box [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [V]
Free transformation【Ctrl】+【T】
Apply free transform (in free transform mode) [Enter]
Start transforming from the center or symmetry point (in free transformation mode) [Alt]
Limitation (in free transform mode) [Shift]
Distort (in free transform mode) [Ctrl]
Cancel transformation (in free transformation mode) [Esc]
Freely transform the copied pixel data [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[T]
Transform the copied pixel data again and create a copy:
Delete the pattern or selected path in the selection box [DEL]
Fill selected area or entire layer with background color:
[Ctrl]+[BackSpace] or [Ctrl]+[Del]
Fill the selected area or the entire layer with the foreground color:
[Alt]+[BackSpace] or [Alt]+[Del]
The "Fill" dialog box pops up [Shift]+[BackSpace]
Fill in history [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[Backspace]
Image adjustment
Adjust color levels [Ctrl] + [L]
Automatically adjust color levels [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[L]
Open the curve adjustment dialog box [Ctrl] + [M]
Deselect all points on the selected channel (in the ‘Curve’ dialog box) [Ctrl] + [D]
Open the "Color Balance" dialog box [Ctrl] + [B]
Open the "Hue/Saturation" dialog box [Ctrl] + [U]
Full image adjustment (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [~]
Adjust only red (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [1]
Adjust only yellow (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [2]
Adjust only green (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [3]
Adjust only cyan (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [4]
Adjust only blue (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [5]
Adjust only magenta (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [6]
Remove color【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【U】
Layer operations
Create a new layer from the dialog box [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[N]
Create a new layer with default options [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift]+[N]
Create a layer by copying [Ctrl] + [J]
Create a layer by cutting [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [J]
Group with previous layer [Ctrl] + [G]
Ungroup [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[G]
Merge downward or merge joined layers [Ctrl] + [E]
Merge visible layers [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[E]
Stamp or stamp the connection layer [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [E]
Stamp visible layer [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift]+[E]
Move the current layer down one layer [Ctrl]+[[]
Move the current layer up one layer [Ctrl] + []]
Move the current layer to the bottom [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[[]
Move the current layer to the top [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[]]
Adjust the transparency of the current layer (the current tool has no numerical parameters, such as the move tool):
Keep the transparent area of the current layer (switch) [/]
Drop shadow effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] + [1]
Inner shadow effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] + [2]
Outer glow effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] + [3]
Inner glow effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] + [4]
Bevel and embossing effect (in the "Effects" dialog box) [Ctrl] + [5]
Applies the currently selected effect and makes parameters adjustable (in the Effects dialog):
Layer blending mode
Cycle through the blending modes [Alt] + [-] or [+]
Threshold (bitmap mode) [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [L]
Multiply [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[M]
Soft light【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【F】
Strong light【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【H】
Color Dodge【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【D】
Darken color [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[B]
Color sponge removal tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [J]
Add color sponge tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [A]
Dark dodge/burn tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [W]
Midtones Dodge/Burn tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [V]
Highlight Dodge/Burn tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Z] selection function
Select all【Ctrl】+【A】
Reselect [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[D]
Feathering selection [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [D]
Reverse selection [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[I]
[Enter] on the numeric keyboard of path selection selection
Load the selection [Ctrl] + click the thumbnail in the layers, paths, and channels panel
Make the last filter again according to the last parameters [Ctrl] + [F]
Undo the effect of the last filter [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F]
Repeat the last filter (adjustable parameters):
Selection tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [V]
Cube Tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [M]
Sphere tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [N]
Cylinder tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [C]
Trackball (in the "3D Change" filter) [R]
Panoramic camera tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [E]
View operations
Display color channel [Ctrl]+[~]
Display monochrome channel [Ctrl] + [Number]
Display composite channel【~】
Preview in CMYK mode (switch) [Ctrl] + [Y]
Turn on/off color gamut warning [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Y]
Enlarge view【Ctrl】+【+】
Reduce the view【Ctrl】+【-】
Full canvas display【Ctrl】+【0】
Actual pixel display【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【0】
Scroll up one screen【PageUp】
Scroll down one screen【PageDown】
Scroll one screen to the left【Ctrl】+【PageUp】
Scroll one screen to the right [Ctrl] + [PageDown]
Scroll up 10 units [Shift] + [PageUp]
Scroll down 10 units [Shift] + [PageDown]
Scroll 10 units to the left [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [PageUp]
Scroll 10 units to the right [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [PageDown]
Move the view to the upper left corner [Home]
Move the view to the lower right corner [End]
Show/hide the selection area [Ctrl] + [H]
Show/hide path [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[H]
Show/hide ruler [Ctrl]+[R]
Show/hide guide lines【Ctrl】+【;】
Show/hide grid【Ctrl】+【”】
Close to the reference line [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[;]
Lock the reference line [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[;]
Close to the grid [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[”]
Show/hide the "Brush" panel [F5]
Show/hide the "Color" panel [F6]
Show/hide the "Layer" panel [F7]
Show/hide the "Information" panel [F8]
Show/hide the "Actions" panel [F9]
Show/hide all command panels [TAB]
Show or hide all palettes except the toolbox [Shift] + [TAB]
Word processing (in the "Type Tools" dialog box)
Align left or top [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[L]
Center alignment [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C]
Align right or bottom [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[R]
Select 1 character left/right [Shift]+[←]/[→]
Select 1 row down/up【Shift】+【↑】/【↓】
Select all characters [Ctrl]+[A]
Reduce the text size of the selected text by 2 pixels [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [<]
Increase the text size of the selected text by 2 pixels [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [>]
Reduce the text size of the selected text by 10 pixels [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift]+[<]
Increase the text size of the selected text by 10 pixels [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift]+[>]
Reduce the line spacing by 2 pixels [Alt] + [↓]
Increase the line spacing by 2 pixels [Alt] + [↑]
Reduce the baseline displacement by 2 pixels [Shift]+[Alt]+[↓]
Increase the baseline displacement by 2 pixels [Shift] + [Alt] + [↑]
Reduce kerning or kerning by 20/1000ems:
Increase kerning or kerning by 20/1000ems:
Reduce kerning or kerning by 100/1000ems:
Increase kerning or kerning by 100/1000ems:
Select white pixels in a channel (including halftones):
[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[1~9] mac version PS Replace Ctrl with CMD
1. Documents
Open as ALT+CTRL+O
Close CTRL+W
Save as web page CTRL+ALT+S
Print settings CTRL+ALT+P
Page settings CTRL+SHIFT+P
2. Edit
Step forward CTRL+SHIFT+Z
Step back CTRL+ALT+Z
Merge copy CTRL+SHIFT+C
Paste CTRL+V
Paste in place CTRL+SHIFT+V
Free Transform CTRL+T
Transform again CTRL+SHIFT+T
Color settings CTRL+SHIFT+K
3. Image
Adjust → Levels CTRL+L
Adjust → Auto Levels CTRL+SHIFT+L
Adjust → Auto Contrast CTRL+SHIFT+ALT+L
Adjust→Curve CTRL+M
Adjust → Color Balance CTRL+B
Adjustment→Hue/Saturation CTRL+U
Adjust → Desaturate CTRL+SHIFT+U
Adjust → Reverse CTRL+I
Extract CTRL+ALT+X
4. Layers
Create a new layer CTRL+SHIFT+N
Create a new layer via CTRL+J
Group with previous layer CTRL+G
Merge layers CTRL+E
Merge visible layers CTRL+SHIFT+E
5. Choice
Select all CTRL+A
Deselect CTRL+D
Select all CTRL+SHIFT+D
Invert selection CTRL+SHIFT+I
Feather CTRL+ALT+D
6. Filter
Last filter operation CTRL+F
7. View
Check color CTRL+Y
Color gamut warning CTRL+SHIFT+Y
Zoom in CTRL++
Zoom out CTRL+-
Display CTRL+0 on full canvas
Actual pixel CTRL+ALT+0
Show append CTRL+H
Show grid CTRL+ALT+'
Show ruler CTRL+R
Enable alignment CTRL+;
Set reference line CTRL+ALT+;
8. Window
Close all CTRL+SHIFT+W
9. Help
Catalog F1
Rectangular and Elliptical Marquee Tool [M]
Cropping tool [C]
Move tool【V】
Lasso, Polygonal Lasso, Magnetic Lasso [L]
Magic Wand Tool [W]
Spray gun tool【J】
Brush Tool [B]
Leather stamp, pattern stamp【S】
History Brush Tool [Y]
Like skin eraser tool [E]
Pencil, straight line tool [N]
Blur, sharpen, smear tools [R]
Dodge, Burn, Sponge Tool [O]
Fountain pen, free pen, magnetic pen [P]
Add Anchor Point Tool [+]
Delete anchor point tool [-]
Direct selection tool [A]
Text, text mask, vertical text, vertical text mask [T]
Measurement Tool【U】
Linear gradient, radial gradient, symmetrical gradient, angle gradient, diamond gradient [G]
Paint Bucket Tool【K】
Straw, color sampler【I】
Gripper tool【H】
Zoom tool [Z]
Default foreground and background colors [D]
Switch the foreground color and background color [X]
Switch between standard mode and quick mask mode [Q]
Standard screen mode, full screen mode with menu bar, full screen mode [F]
Temporarily use the move tool [Ctrl]
Temporarily use the color absorbing tool [Alt]
Temporarily use the gripper tool [space]
Open the tool options panel [Enter]
Quickly enter tool options (there is at least one adjustable number in the current tool options panel): [0] to [9]
Cycle through brush selection [[] or []]
Select the first brush [Shift]+[[]
Select the last brush [Shift]+[]]
Create a new gradient (in the "Gradient Editor") [Ctrl] + [N]
File operations
Create a new graphic file [Ctrl] + [N]
Create a new file with default settings [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[N]
Open an existing image [Ctrl] + [O]
Open as...[Ctrl]+[Alt]+[O]
Close the current image [Ctrl] + [W]
Save current image [Ctrl] + [S]
Save as...[Ctrl]+[Shift]+[S]
Save copy [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[S]
Page settings [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[P]
Open the "Presets" dialog box [Ctrl] + [K]
Display the last displayed "Preferences" dialog box [Alt] + [Ctrl] + [K]
Set "General" options (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [1]
Set "Storage File" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [2]
Set "Display and Cursor" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [3]
Set "Transparent Area and Color Gamut" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [4]
Set "Units and Scales" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [5]
Set "Guide Lines and Grid" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [6]
Set "Plug-ins and Scratch Disks" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [7]
Set "Memory and Image Cache" (in the Preferences dialog box) [Ctrl] + [8]
Edit operations
Undo/redo previous operation [Ctrl]+[Z]
Restore more than two steps [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Z]
Redo more than two steps [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Z]
Cut the selected image or path [Ctrl] + [X] or [F2]
Copy the selected image or path [Ctrl] + [C]
Merge copy [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C]
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the current graphic [Ctrl] + [V] or [F4]
Paste the contents of the clipboard into the selection box [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [V]
Free transformation【Ctrl】+【T】
Apply free transform (in free transform mode) [Enter]
Start transforming from the center or symmetry point (in free transformation mode) [Alt]
Limitation (in free transform mode) [Shift]
Distort (in free transform mode) [Ctrl]
Cancel transformation (in free transformation mode) [Esc]
Freely transform the copied pixel data [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[T]
Transform the copied pixel data again and create a copy:
Delete the pattern or selected path in the selection box [DEL]
Fill selected area or entire layer with background color:
[Ctrl]+[BackSpace] or [Ctrl]+[Del]
Fill the selected area or the entire layer with the foreground color:
[Alt]+[BackSpace] or [Alt]+[Del]
The "Fill" dialog box pops up [Shift]+[BackSpace]
Fill in history [Alt]+[Ctrl]+[Backspace]
Image adjustment
Adjust color levels [Ctrl] + [L]
Automatically adjust color levels [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[L]
Open the curve adjustment dialog box [Ctrl] + [M]
Deselect all points on the selected channel (in the ‘Curve’ dialog box) [Ctrl] + [D]
Open the "Color Balance" dialog box [Ctrl] + [B]
Open the "Hue/Saturation" dialog box [Ctrl] + [U]
Full image adjustment (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [~]
Adjust only red (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [1]
Adjust only yellow (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [2]
Adjust only green (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [3]
Adjust only cyan (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [4]
Adjust only blue (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [5]
Adjust only magenta (in the Hue/Saturation dialog box) [Ctrl] + [6]
Remove color【Ctrl】+【Shift】+【U】
Layer operations
Create a new layer from the dialog box [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[N]
Create a new layer with default options [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift]+[N]
Create a layer by copying [Ctrl] + [J]
Create a layer by cutting [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [J]
Group with previous layer [Ctrl] + [G]
Ungroup [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[G]
Merge downward or merge joined layers [Ctrl] + [E]
Merge visible layers [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[E]
Stamp or stamp the connection layer [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [E]
Stamp visible layer [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift]+[E]
Move the current layer down one layer [Ctrl]+[[]
Move the current layer up one layer [Ctrl] + []]
Move the current layer to the bottom [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[[]
Move the current layer to the top [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[]]
Adjust the transparency of the current layer (the current tool has no numerical parameters, such as the move tool):
Keep the transparent area of the current layer (switch) [/]
Drop shadow effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] + [1]
Inner shadow effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] + [2]
Outer glow effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] + [3]
Inner glow effect (in the "Effect" dialog box) [Ctrl] + [4]
Bevel and embossing effect (in the "Effects" dialog box) [Ctrl] + [5]
Applies the currently selected effect and makes parameters adjustable (in the Effects dialog):
Layer blending mode
Cycle through the blending modes [Alt] + [-] or [+]
Threshold (bitmap mode) [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [L]
Multiply [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[M]
Soft light【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【F】
Strong light【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【H】
Color Dodge【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【D】
Darken color [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[B]
Color sponge removal tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [J]
Add color sponge tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [A]
Dark dodge/burn tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [W]
Midtones Dodge/Burn tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [V]
Highlight Dodge/Burn tool + [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Z] selection function
Select all【Ctrl】+【A】
Reselect [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[D]
Feathering selection [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [D]
Reverse selection [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[I]
[Enter] on the numeric keyboard of path selection selection
Load the selection [Ctrl] + click the thumbnail in the layers, paths, and channels panel
Make the last filter again according to the last parameters [Ctrl] + [F]
Undo the effect of the last filter [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[F]
Repeat the last filter (adjustable parameters):
Selection tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [V]
Cube Tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [M]
Sphere tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [N]
Cylinder tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [C]
Trackball (in the "3D Change" filter) [R]
Panoramic camera tool (in the "3D Change" filter) [E]
View operations
Display color channel [Ctrl]+[~]
Display monochrome channel [Ctrl] + [Number]
Display composite channel【~】
Preview in CMYK mode (switch) [Ctrl] + [Y]
Turn on/off color gamut warning [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[Y]
Enlarge view【Ctrl】+【+】
Reduce the view【Ctrl】+【-】
Full canvas display【Ctrl】+【0】
Actual pixel display【Ctrl】+【Alt】+【0】
Scroll up one screen【PageUp】
Scroll down one screen【PageDown】
Scroll one screen to the left【Ctrl】+【PageUp】
Scroll one screen to the right [Ctrl] + [PageDown]
Scroll up 10 units [Shift] + [PageUp]
Scroll down 10 units [Shift] + [PageDown]
Scroll 10 units to the left [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [PageUp]
Scroll 10 units to the right [Shift] + [Ctrl] + [PageDown]
Move the view to the upper left corner [Home]
Move the view to the lower right corner [End]
Show/hide the selection area [Ctrl] + [H]
Show/hide path [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[H]
Show/hide ruler [Ctrl]+[R]
Show/hide guide lines【Ctrl】+【;】
Show/hide grid【Ctrl】+【”】
Close to the reference line [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[;]
Lock the reference line [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[;]
Close to the grid [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[”]
Show/hide the "Brush" panel [F5]
Show/hide the "Color" panel [F6]
Show/hide the "Layer" panel [F7]
Show/hide the "Information" panel [F8]
Show/hide the "Actions" panel [F9]
Show/hide all command panels [TAB]
Show or hide all palettes except the toolbox [Shift] + [TAB]
Word processing (in the "Type Tools" dialog box)
Align left or top [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[L]
Center alignment [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[C]
Align right or bottom [Ctrl]+[Shift]+[R]
Select 1 character left/right [Shift]+[←]/[→]
Select 1 row down/up【Shift】+【↑】/【↓】
Select all characters [Ctrl]+[A]
Reduce the text size of the selected text by 2 pixels [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [<]
Increase the text size of the selected text by 2 pixels [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [>]
Reduce the text size of the selected text by 10 pixels [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift]+[<]
Increase the text size of the selected text by 10 pixels [Ctrl]+[Alt]+[Shift]+[>]
Reduce the line spacing by 2 pixels [Alt] + [↓]
Increase the line spacing by 2 pixels [Alt] + [↑]
Reduce the baseline displacement by 2 pixels [Shift]+[Alt]+[↓]
Increase the baseline displacement by 2 pixels [Shift] + [Alt] + [↑]
Reduce kerning or kerning by 20/1000ems:
Increase kerning or kerning by 20/1000ems:
Reduce kerning or kerning by 100/1000ems:
Increase kerning or kerning by 100/1000ems:
Select white pixels in a channel (including halftones):
The above is the collection of PS shortcut keys brought by the editor. Friends in need should not miss it.