2345 Software Manager How to uninstall it -2345 Software Manager's solution to uninstall it

Time: 2020-11-06Source: Huajun Software TutorialAuthor: early morning

Many friends said that when uninstalling the 2345 software housekeeper, I found that I ca n’t uninstall it. What should I do? So today I will bring you a solution that 2345 software housekeepers cannot uninstall. Friends in need can come and see.

First, on the computer desktop, click the "Windows icon" in the lower left corner.

2345 How to uninstall it

Then click the "Settings" button in the list.

2345 How to uninstall it

Click "Uninstall, Default Application, Optional Function" in the "Application" column.

2345 How to uninstall it

Click the "Uninstall" button on the right side of "2345 Software Manager".

2345 How to uninstall it

Click "Continue Uninstall", and finally click "Completed" to uninstall the software.

2345 How to uninstall it
2345 How to uninstall it

The above is the solution of the 2345 software butler brought by the author. I hope it can help friends.

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