How to edit and send MMS messages in Outlook 2007

Time: 2017-08-01Source: Huajun InformationAuthor: Hua Hua

Outlook Mobile Messaging makes it easy to create and send multimedia messages from your computer to your mobile device. Compared with general text information transmission, multimedia information transmission takes information transmission one step further. In addition to text, you can send pictures and audio clips embedded in messages (instead of sending them as separate attachments to your messages). To send MMS messages, you must first add and configure an Outlook Mobile Messaging account.


Create new MMS

On the File menu, click New, and then click MMS.

Enter the recipient's email address or mobile phone number in the "To" box. To search for recipients in the address book, click the "To" button.

Type the desired topic in the Topic box.

Add new multimedia slideshow.

You can add another slide while creating your message. On the MMS tab, in the Create Slideshow group, click Insert.

Set the duration of the slideshow in MMS messages.

You can set the duration for which the slideshow will be displayed on the recipient's mobile device. If you have multiple slides, you can have the MMS message appear in a slideshow format on the recipient's mobile device by setting the duration for which the slideshow is displayed to between 1 and 120 seconds.

To set the duration, type the desired value in the Duration box at the top of each slide. Each slide can have a different value.

Send MMS

To send a created text message, you need to specify its recipients. You can select recipients from an address book or enter the message directly in the "To" box of the text message.

Enter recipient information.

Please do one of the following.

Select recipients from address book

On the MMS tab, in the Name group, click Address Book.

Select the desired address book from the drop-down list. You can use any address book, including the Global Address List (GAL), to obtain recipient information.

Select the desired names and click the "To" button.

Tip: You can search for recipient information by typing a name in the Search box.

Click OK.

Enter the recipient's name directly.

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