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How to set up a listening book mode for QQ reading

Author: early morning Date: 2024-09-15

QQ reading
QQ reading -8.1.51

Book application Occupy: 53873KB Time: 2012-06-14

Software Introduction: Do you like to read books? Want to read more wonderful books? QQ reading is a very popular reading software that supports more document formats ...

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QQ reading is a software with rich book resources. It cooperates with a number of publishers and authors to provide a variety of books, prose, poetry, comics, magazines and other books resources such as novels, prose, poetry, comics, and magazines. Essence Next, let Huajun Xiaobian answer your QQ reading how to set up listening books and QQ reading settings.

First step

First, make sure that QQ reading this software is installed on your phone and is in the latest version. Then, open the QQ reading app and enter its main interface.

Step 2

In the main interface or bookshelf of QQ reading, browse and choose the novel you want to listen to. Click the cover or title of the novel to enter the reading interface of the novel.

Step 3

In the reading interface, you can trigger more setting options by clicking on the center of the screen. At this time, there may be some toolbars or settings on the screen.

Step 4

Click in the option popped up in the center of the screen, and find and click "Voice Read" or similar listening buttons. The icon of this button may be a microphone or an avatar that is talking about. The specific icon style may be different due to the different versions.

Step 5

If you are the first time you use the listening function, QQ reading may prompt you to download and install related reading plug -in or voice packs. Please download and install according to the prompts. Usually, these plug -in or voice bags are free and will occupy a certain mobile phone storage space.

Step 6

After the plug -in or voice package is downloaded and installed, you can re -enter the "voice reading" function and start listening to the book. At this time, QQ reading will automatically read the content of the novel. You can optimize the listening experience by adjusting the speed of speech and volume.

The above is how the QQ reading compiled by Hua Jun for you how to set the listening book mode and the method of setting the book mode for QQ reading. I hope to help you!

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