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How to give gifts in the game of gold shovel

Author: early morning Date: 2024-09-07

The battle of gold shovel
The battle of gold shovel -1.7.18

PC simulator Occupy: 2.5MB Time: 2021-12-09

Software Introduction: The computer version of the Gold Shovel is a strategic mobile game authorized by Tencent Games. The official version of the Golden Shovel Battle supports eight play ...

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The battle of gold shovel is a well -loved player mobile game. Its launch on the PC platform provides more players with a convenient game experience. This game not only inherits the essence of the original mobile game, but also further improves the immersion and operating accuracy of the game through large screens and key mouse operations. Players need to cleverly use strategies to form their own powerful teams by recruiting and integrating various heroes. The core gameplay of the game is to stand out in the game of eight players through reasonable resource allocation, hero selection, and tactical layout, winning the final victory. Next, let Huajun Xiaobian answer the method of how to send gifts in the game and how to give gifts in the game and the Golden Shovel Battle of Golden Shoju!

First step

Open the game and enter the match: First, make sure you have opened the game of "The Battle of Golden Shovel" and entered the main interface of the game. Then, select a suitable mode and click to enter the match.

Step 2

During the game, you will see an emoji icon in the upper left corner of the screen (probably a smiley face or similar symbol). Click this icon to open an interactive interface.

Step 3

In the interactive interface, you will see a series of emoticons and possible gift options. These gifts may be a unique prop, decoration or other forms of virtual items in the game. Browse and find the gift you want to give, and then click it to choose.

Step 4

After selecting a gift, you will see a "use" or similar buttons. Click this button directly, the system will send the gift to the players in the current match. Please note that different gifts may have different usage rules and restrictions. For example, it may need to consume certain game currencies or meet specific conditions to use.

The above is the method of how to give gifts in the game of the golden shovel that Huajun Xiaobian and the Golden shovel. I hope to help you!

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