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How to open lightning? -How to mark the small flag of lightning?

author: Date: 2024-05-11

Minesweeper-V5.1.2600.0 Latest Edition

Intellectual game Occupy: 117.00kb Time: 2021-08-20

Software Introduction: Minesweeper is a very classic and interesting leisure puzzle game developed by Microsoft. Minesweeper gameplay is very simple, but it is not difficult ...

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How to open lightning?

Lightning sweeping is a classic single game. Its goal is to unveil the numbers in the grid to determine which square mines are hidden in which squares are hidden. If there is no landmine in the grid that is unveiled, the game continues, otherwise the game is over. The following will introduce how to enters the game.

Step 1: Open the computer

First, you need to turn on the computer. Lightning sweeping is a computer game that can only run on the computer. If the computer is not turned on, please press the power button until the computer is turned on and displayed the desktop.

Step 2: Find a mine -sweep game

Find the icon of mine -sweeping games on the desktop. If a minesweeper has been installed, it should appear on the desktop. If not, search for lightning sweeping games in the start menu of the computer.

Step 3: Choose the difficulty of the game

After launching a lightning game, a game difficulty selection page will appear. According to your preferences and levels, choose simple, medium or difficulty.

Step 4: Enter the game

After selecting the game difficulty, you can enter the lightning game. First of all, you need a left mouse button to click a square to unveil the number and determine which square mines are mines. You can then right -click the square to mark or cancel the mark of the mines.

Step 5: Complete the game

During the game, you need to continuously unveil the grid and mark the potential landmines until all mines are marked. If all mines are successfully marked, the game is a victory. Unfortunately, a mine will be unliked, and the game will end.

How to mark the small flag of lightning?

The purpose of inserting the flag is to let the player know which square mines are mines and avoid mistakes, so the flag tags should be accurate. So how to insert the flag?

First of all, we need to determine which square mines are mines. The numbers in the game represent how many mines are among the eight squares around, so when the number around a square is 1, we can speculate that the grid next to this square is only one landmine. At this point we can use the mouse to mark a banner on this grid. In the same way, when the surrounding numbers are 2, we can determine that there are two mines in the square next to the side. At this time, we can insert the flag on both squares. When the number is 3, we need to try to find the grid that can determine the landmine position for labeling.

Secondly, we need to pay attention to the number of times to insert the flag. The number of flags in the game is limited, so we need to reasonably insert the flag according to the number of flags that have been inserted and the number of remaining mine. If the number of flags exceeds the limit, the game fails. Therefore, when inserting the flag, you need to judge cautiously to avoid unnecessary mistakes.

Finally, we need to pay attention to the time to insert the flag. In the game, inserting the flag is not necessary. In some cases, we can determine which square mines can be determined in other ways. For example, when the number of a grid has been determined all the surrounding mines, we don't need to insert the flag anymore. Therefore, it is necessary to fully consider the surroundings when inserting the flag to avoid unnecessary flags.

The above is the related content of minesweeper. I hope it will be helpful to you!

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