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What is Tomato Novel Network-How about the income of the tomato novel?

Author: early morning Date: 2024-01-10

Tomato novel
Tomato novel-

Leisure and entertainment Occupy: 64.7 MB Time: 2022-09-23

Software introduction: Tomato novels take you for free reading for you! This software novel is rich in resources, including romance, crossing, youth campus, overbearing president, palace fight, ...

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Tomato free novel app is a very popular free novel reading software at the moment. It has a large number of genuine novel resources, powerful novel online readers, and tens of thousands of books are read for free. Next, let Huajun Xiaobian introduce to you what is the Tomato Novel Network? How about the income of the tomato novel!

1. What is tomato novel network

Tomato novels were newly launched in 2019. Free reading products facing online lovers are committed to providing readers with the ultimate reading experience of not spending money without spending money. At present, there are more than 10 million daily active users.

Tomato novels cooperate with major content providers, while continuously supporting high -quality original content, covering all the types of mainstream network texts such as youth, romance, fantasy, campus, fairy, urban, and suspense, as well as a large number of original works and classic publications.

High -quality literary platform

Tomato Novel Network is the original literary platform of tomato novels, dedicated to digging and cultivating excellent original network literary writers. The works signed by the writer and Tomato Fiction Network will be distributed to over 100 million users based on the Tomato Novel APP, today's headline app, and Douyin novel SDK, bringing a generous income return to the signing writer.

Produced by Douyin, tomato novels are free reading products launched by Douyin, which provides a large number of genuine novels. Free book, all in tomato! There is also gold coin benefits, reading books can make money!

Genuine novels, free reading. Popular classification, urban Shuangwen, romance crossing, fantasy cultivation, martial arts world ... You want to see here.

According to your reading hobbies, personalized recommendations, high -quality book lists, and refined recommendations for book cities, there is always one to move you!

Reading benefits, sign -in benefits, gold coins benefits, and all kinds of benefits of reading benefits are available at any time, as long as you read it every day!

Listen in real time. Every book here can be listened. When you read, your eyes can be rest at any time.

In summary, tomato novels classify books based on different types. They are mainly divided into male and female frequency. After subdivision, they are divided into different styles such as urban, fantasy, romance, ancient, and suspense. Users can choose the corresponding novel type according to their reading preferences. At the same time, each novel has a brief introduction, which is convenient for users to quickly understand the plot, so as to better choose reading.

Therefore, if you have a talent and work hard, tomato novels can be used as a very good media platform, allowing literary creators to show their talents in the field of online literature and have a certain amount of benefits.

How about the income of the tomato novel author?

Tomato novels cooperate with a large number of advertisers. When readers read the work, the advertisements displayed on the page and readers click to watch the advertisement will generate income. In the free mode, readers will not be transferred to pirated websites without the limitation of payment walls. In the process of readers' continuous reading of works, writers will get rich advertising sharing income. As a newly established original literary platform, the Tomato Fiction Network has 500+ original signing writers with a monthly tomato -sharing income of more than 10,000 yuan, and the total income of 500+ original signing writers has exceeded 100,000 yuan in the past 12 months. It turns out that more and more online writers have achieved continuous growth of manuscript income after signing tomato novels.

Reasonable division mechanism

The author obtained the exclusive income sharing of the internal and external channels of the contract in accordance with the contract. In addition, there are gifts to reward and reward and copyright income.

Conscience guarantee fee

Thousands of words at 15-3000 yuan guarantee or buy disconnection fee. If the income of the work exceeds the bottom, the income of the inner and outer channels of the work can be obtained according to the contract ratio, and there are also gifts to reward rewards and copyright income.

For example, from the monthly report of tomato novels in August, there are 101 writers with a monthly income of more than 30,000 yuan. In addition, there are 417 writers with an income of more than 10,000 yuan.

Traditional novels, with high reading rate, the book has reached a million words, stable 100,000 in reading, and a single -day income can exceed 1,000 yuan. 300,000 in reading, the daily collection exceeds 4,000 yuan, and the monthly income of 100,000 is basically expected. (Note that 100,000 words, 300,000 words, 500,000 words, millions of words, each time the number of words increases, the general income has increased.)

If the reading rate is low, then it will not work. Millions of novels may only receive 300 or even lower daily reading.

If the writing method is particularly easy to make people look at it at a glance, even if your reading rate is high, it is likely that the income will not reach the state you expect. (Because the income is related to the reading time of the reader. Readers read too fast, the author's income will be reduced)

System text, that is, novels with systems, millions of words, stable reading 100,000, ordinary reading rate, a single -day income is only about three or four hundred

Generally speaking, the number of systems in the system increases, and the income increase is not large. Some people even increase with the number of words. They are also reading, and the income is almost the same.

These are the income model of tomato novel writers.

The above is what is the tomato novel network compiled by the editor of Hua Jun for you? What is the Raiders of Tomato Novel Author's income? I hope to help you!

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