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"Breaking Star Sky Railway" new hand pool five -star character strength evaluation

Author: Ai Xiao Mo Date: 2024-03-19

Crash: Xingqiong Railway
Crash: Xingqiong Railway-2.3.0

Other games Occupy: 182.71 MB Time: 2021-10-27

Software Introduction: Crash: The Chinese version of Star Dome Railway is an action adventure game of science fiction theme. In collapse: In the latest version of the Star Dome Railway, players will play ...

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How to choose the newly handling character of "Breaking Star Sky Railway"? How to draw a novice five -star? Among the new pools of the game start, there are Jizi, Valter, Blinia, Gepard, Clara, Yanqing, Bai Lu, this Seven five -star characters, each character has its own attribute positioning and gameplay mode. Here I will bring you the strength evaluation of the new pool of the new pool of "Blasting Star Dome". Let's take a look.

"Breaking Star Sky Railway" new hand pool five -star character strength evaluation:

First of all, the characters in the fifty pools of our novice are: Ji Zi, Walter, Blinia, Gepad, Clara, Yan Qing, Bai Lu

1. Ji Zi:

"Breaking Star Sky Railway" new hand pool five -star character strength evaluation

Because Ji Zi was positioned as wisdom, we also said that the harm was not considerable, and the applicable scenarios were very small.

So the general match is to match other teams by yourself. For example, BOSS weaknesses have fire attributes, or there are multiple characters similar to the sixth universe and have many fire weaknesses. So one of the ways I give is (depending on the situation, mainly because the weakness of fire can be used)

2. Valt:

"Breaking Star Sky Railway" new hand pool five -star character strength evaluation

As the role of pushing, it is not feasible to act as Lord C, or it is low in damage, but it is not bad.

Therefore, we can place Walter in the second leader of the team, that is, functional auxiliary C, which is worse than the main C output, but we can push the strip to function well to help the team maximize.

So one of the ways I give is

(Master C+Walter+Restore Life+Shield) Example (Dan Heng/Yanqing+Valter+Bailu/Natasha+Fire Lord/Jeapard)

In this case, of course, it is also possible to abandon the auxiliary and injury.

(Master C+Walter+Auxiliary+Restore Life/Shield) Example (Dan Heng/Yanqing+Walter+Blinia+Bailu/Natasha/Fire Lord/Jeapard)

If the above situation is high, if the high pressure book may not be able to resist the damage to the stress, the two teams are given here for reference

3. Bronia:

"Breaking Star Sky Railway" new hand pool five -star character strength evaluation

As a rare auxiliary role in this game, and it has extremely high injuries plus explosion and the ability to act in advance, it is also a role that most of the young partners must play.

PS: We must be in a two -speed position, which is slower than the main C speed, so that Bronia can maximize the income.

So one of the ways I give is

(Master C+Bronia+Restore Life+Shield) Example (Dan Heng/Yan Qing+Blinia+Bailu/Natasha+Fire Lord/Jeapard)

However, in this case, the abyss output may be low.

The second match is

(Main C+Available C+Bronia+Restore Life/Shield) Example (Dan Heng/Yanqing+Walter/Ji Zi+Blinia+Bailu/Natasha/Fire Lord/Jeapard)

This combination is to increase one harm

4. Jepad:

"Breaking Star Sky Railway" new hand pool five -star character strength evaluation

The role of the abyss rate is very high, and it is also very silky, but the only bad thing is that they are passers -by before the big move ~

The shield's team configuration is very simple, almost all of them are clear.

(Main C+Auxiliary+Restore Life+Jeapard) Example (Dan Heng/Yan Qing+Blinia+Bailu/Natasha+Jeipad)

There is no one to say

5. Clara:

"Breaking Star Sky Railway" new hand pool five -star character strength evaluation

With the team system, it can be said that although the abyss is full of stars, she is still good to use her! It is also very comfortable to simulate the cosmic use.


(Carato+March 7+Restore Life+Main C) Example (Clara+March 7+Bailu/Natasha+Dan Heng/Yanqing)

In this case, it is to use Clara to fight a counterattack, that is, the output is also resistant to damage and there are, almost relying on her, the position is the second place.

6. Yan Qing:

"Breaking Star Sky Railway" new hand pool five -star character strength evaluation

The ice system outputs the boss, and the output is lower than Xier, but it is also very easy to use. Because it is the main C position, it can be almost all available, and there is no resistance to frozen. that is

(Yan Qing+Auxiliary+Restore Life+Shield) Example (Yan Qing+Blunia+Bailu/Natasha+Jeapard/Fire Lord)

7. Bai Lu:

"Breaking Star Sky Railway" new hand pool five -star character strength evaluation

The position of restoring life is basically fixed, so there should be no need to match it. Anyway, your team must leave a position for Bai Lu.

The above is the Q & A guide brought to you in this issue. I hope everyone likes it.

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