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How to set up No. 2 fonts in Founder Primary School Simplified

Author: beard Date: 2024-05-11

Founder Primary School Simplified Skin
Founder Primary School Simplified Simpan-V9.9.35 latest version

Font download Occupy: 1.82MB Time: 2021-02-09

Software Introduction: Fang Zhengxiao Song Simpan Font Font Fang Zhengzheng Simplified Font Font Fang Zhengzheng Simplified Font Font Font Fonts Song Kai's Army Software Park! Fangzheng Xiaozi Song ...

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Do you know how to set up No. 2 fonts in Fang Zhengxiao Simpan Simpan? Today, I will explain the method of Fang Zhengxiao Simpan. To everyone.

Step 1: On the document page, select text, click the font.

Step 2: Draw down, click Fang Zheng Xiaozai Song Simplified.

Step 3: Complete the settings, click the font size.

Step 4: Draw down, click No. 2.

Step 5: So the text is successful.

The above is how the Founder Small Simplified Song Simpan brought by Xiaobian sets all the contents of the No. 2 font. I hope it can help everyone.

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