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World of Warcraft 3: How about the Frozen Throne Dragon Eagle Knight-Dragon Eagle Knight Properties Introduction

Author: Huluwa Date: 2022-09-28

Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne
Warcraft 3 Frozen Throne-Chinese Green Edition

Online game Occupy: 7.36MB Time: 2022-01-26

Software Introduction: WAR3 Frozen Throne is a real -time strategy game produced by Blizzard Entertainment, which is the third -generation work of the "Warcraft" series. War3 ice ...

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Recently, some friends consult Xiaobian Warcraft 3: How about the Frozen Throne Dragon Eagle Knight? Here is the introduction of the attributes of the Frozen Throne Dragon Eagle Cavaliers. Know.

1. Attribute information

The Dragon Eagle Knight is the two Air Force units of the human race. It can be recruited based on the construction of 2 subjects and ensuring the completeness of the store. Recruiting Dragon Eagle Knights requires 200 gold and 30 wood, and a single Dragon Eagle Cavaliers will take up 3 people. In the initial case, the Dragon Eagle Cavaliers had 18 to 20 points of puncture attack power, 625 points of life, 150 magic values ​​(upper limit of 300) and 1 light armor, which was born with air shackles skills. The skill effect is to use the magic effect to imprison the enemy ’s unit, so that the target cannot move and attack for 40 seconds, and the target will be damaged by 30 points per second.

3 After the completion of the subject, we can also spend 50 gold and 100 wood to study the misty cloud skills in the griffon cage. After the research and development, the Dragon Eagle Cavaliers can release enemy units with long -range attack capabilities, so that enemy buildings in the target area cannot attack in the next 30 seconds.

2. Practical effect

Control the enemy's enemy: Although the helicopter of the human race is called an air overlord, it is still limited when facing those air units with the same maneuverability. If the air enemies encountered are the Bat Knights of the Orcs, when the existence of damage to the target and the enemy in the region at the cost of self -dismissal, it is even more uncomfortable to win with a quantity. At this time, the Dragon Eagle Knight of the opponent's air unit can have a good room for play. This is one of the reasons for those who often have people who often choose the Dragon Eagle Knight with Gryphon Cavaliers to crush their opponents.

Restricting opponent defense tower: When the opponent has a large number of defensive tower, conventional arms are obviously difficult to break through the opponent's defense. Although in this case, there is a long -range unit that can slowly consume the opponent, but it will also allow the opponent to win more development or even find a considerable time. At this time, if there are some Dragon Eagle Knights with fogging skills, cooperate with the ground forces to win the opponent's defensive tower position easier.

Third, analysis of advantages and disadvantages

Advantages: It can effectively limit the enemy's air units and defense buildings, which is the two most obvious advantages of the Dragon Eagle Cavaliers. Combined with these two major advantages, in the actual game, we can completely allow the Gryphon Cavaliers and other units to have better room for play, and at the same time make the ground forces attack target positions easier.

Defect: In terms of attributes and skills, the Dragon Eagle Knight does not except for relatively low attack power. If you really have any defects, or there are more arms in the human race that can replace its status. From the perspective of air capabilities, even if the helicopter of the human race cannot directly annihilate the opponent's Air Force, it can easily drive it away. From the perspective of restricting defense buildings, although small cannons and tanks cannot be so rude, the effect is not bad.

World of Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne shortcut operation

Alt-F4ralt-Q- Exit Warcraftiii.

Alt-o-open option menu

Alt-H-Open the help menu

Alt-S-Open the deposit menu

Alt-L-Open Reading Package Menu

F6-Quick Save Game

F10-Open/close the main menu

Ctrl-S-opening/care sound

Ctrl-m-open/care music

ENTER-Open the default conversation window

Shift-Enter-Open the conversation window of the people in all games

Ctrl-EntER-Open the conversation window to the ally

Printscreen-The screenshot of the screen is a file in a .tga format and stored it in the ScreenShots directory in your WC3 installation directory.

ESC-Back to the last menu

INSERT-Rotate the lens to the left

Delete-rotate the lens to the right

Mouse wheel: roll-amplify the lens

Mouse wheel: Rolling-narrow the lens

Press the mouse wheel: -Chn the mouse to move on the map to move

Direction keys-can move on the map

The above is the Warcraft hegemony I share with you 3: What kind of content of the Frozen Throne Dragon Eagle Knight, interested friends come and watch!

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