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Solving the win10 version of Office cannot open tips

Author: Ai Xiao Mo Date: 2022-07-19

Office 2016
Office 2016-v4.3.4.28 official full version

Office software Occupy: 4.62MB Time: 2021-03-19

Software Introduction: OFFICE 2016 is a powerful office software collection launched by Microsoft officials. The collection contains Excel, Word, PPT, etc.

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The WIN10 version preview version is released. Many people upgrade their own systems to win10, and even the most commonly used office software OFFICE is also upgraded to the Win10 version, but the new version will always have problems with large or small. Then if you encounter Win10 version of Office, you cannot be available. What should I do if I open it? The following editors will bring you the solution of Win10 version of Office. Some Win10 users have problems such as unable to open and collapse after installing the new Office. What should I do? Let's take a look at the solution with Xiaobian.

      What should I do if I can't open the Win10 version of Office

What should I do if I can't open the Win10 version of Office

Some users encounter problems that cannot be opened when using the Win10 preview application. Usually, uninstall and reinstallation can be solved. However, this method is not very useful for the latest touch version of Office. The reason is that there is a problem with the Windows store license service. After the user is uninstalled, the service cache is not empty, so reinstallation will not solve the problem.

Now users can solve the following methods:

1. Open the notepad and enter the following code:

Echo OFF

Net stop clipsvc

If "%1" == "" ("(" ("(" (

Echo === Backing up local livenses



If "%1" == "Recover" (

Echo ==== RecoVering Licenses from backup



Net start clipsvc

2. Save it as License.bat (any position), select "All Files" in the format;

3. Use the administrator mode to run this file;

4. Uninstall the corresponding Office component;

5. Go to the new Beta store of Win10 and download and install the Office application.

How about, is it very simple? I hope it can be helpful to everyone.

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