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How to make file labels in Founder Primary School Simplified

Author: Xiaoxin Date: 2024-05-11

Founder Primary School Simplified Skin
Founder Primary School Simplified Simpan-V9.9.35 latest version

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Do you know how to make file labels by Fang Zheng Xiaoziao Song Simpan? Today, I will explain the method of making file labels to make file labels in the Simpan Simpan of the Song Dynasty. Let ’s take a look with the editor. Essence

The figure below is the effect of the input square in the text box directly in the text box. It can be seen that the points on the word "text" cannot be displayed (as shown in the figure).

First of all, in the blank document, apply the Founder small standard simplified Song to enter the label content, adjust the size of the font, and then move the cursor to the middle of each two characters and press Enter, so that the text is vertical (as shown in the figure) Essence

Select the vertical text, click the "Table" drop -down menu button in the toolbar "Insert" tab, and select "Text Convert to Form" in the pop -up menu (as shown in the figure).

After the dialog box pops up, there is no need to change the settings. Click the OK button to close the dialog box. You can see the effect of the following Figure 2 (as shown in the figure).

Right -click on the election pop -up menu to select "Border and Shadow" (as shown in the figure).

After the dialog box pops up, use the mouse to click the middle line of the red arrow below in Figure 1. When the middle line disappears, click the OK button to close the dialog box. Show).

Move the mouse to the right frame. When a double line with arrows appears, hold the mouse to the left to the right position. After loosening the mouse, click on the blank position. Shown in the figure).

The above is the entire content of the Founder Small Small Song Simpan of the Founder Xiaobian. I hope it can help everyone.

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