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Download more than 2G video drawing tutorial on Baidu online disk web version

Author: Ai Xiao Mo Date: 2024-05-11

Baidu network disk
Baidu web disk-

Network sharing Occupy: 233 MB Time: 2022-01-06

Software Introduction: Baidu Web Disk Computer Edition is a cloud disk software released by Baidu. Baidu's online disk computer version of the software is simple, just drag it easily ...

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When downloading things on Baidu's online disk, you often find that some large resources need to be logged in and download Baidu Cloud to download. So, how does the web version download more than 2G videos? Now, I will share with you a tutorial with you.

1. For example, we look for the download link of the Lion Lion on the webpage, and find a 2.65g movie resources of the Baidu web disk;

      How to download more than 2G videos of Baidu network disk web version

How to download more than 2G videos on Baidu Web Disk Web Version

2. We directly click to download the following prompts;

      How to download more than 2G videos of Baidu network disk web version

How to download more than 2G videos on Baidu Web Disk Web Version

3. At this time, we have entered the formal method of breaking the restrictions. First download logging in to your own account. If you do n’t have a Baidu account, select QQ login. After login, choose to save to your own network disk, and then open your own network disk to find the resource;

      How to download more than 2G videos of Baidu network disk web version

How to download more than 2G videos on Baidu Web Disk Web Version

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