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How to use Sina Weibo desktop puzzle? The operation step of Weibo desktop uses puzzle

Author: snack Date: 2021-08-26

Weibo desktop
Weibo desktop -V4.5.3.37575 official official version

Chat software Occupy: 33.18MB Time: 2021-09-09

Software Introduction: Weibo desktop is a desktop client of Sina Weibo on Microsoft's operating system. Users can log in and use directly, more people ...

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Weibo desktop is a desktop client of Sina Weibo on Microsoft's operating system. Users can log in and use directly. How to use Sina Weibo desktop puzzles? The article brought to you today is about Weibo desktop using puzzles. The operation steps, there are still some partners to learn with Xiaobian.

Open the Sina Weibo desktop and log in.

Find the puzzle option under the main interface.

After clicking, a dialog box pops up and click to add pictures.

Then select the picture you want to make the puzzle and then open it.

After uploading the picture, click on the left side to make a puzzle, and click Upload after setting.

Then the picture was uploaded to the Weibo release.

Here are the operational steps to share the Weibo desktop for you. Friends who need it, please take a look at this article!

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