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Daily yoga notification reminder how to open-daily yoga opening notification reminder method

Author: blue lean shiitake mushroom Date: 2022-01-18

Daily yoga
Daily Yoga-Computer Edition v7.15.1.1

Practical tool Occupy: 24.58MB Time: 2020-09-02

Software Introduction: Daily Yoga Computer Edition is a guidance program that can help users do yoga action. The daily yoga computer version can be ...

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How to open the daily yoga notification reminder? Recently, many friends are consulting Xiaobian's question, so today I will bring you the method of opening a notification reminder of the daily yoga opening notification. I hope it can help everyone.

First, open the daily yoga app.

How to set a notification reminder daily yoga?

We then choose personal.

How to set a notification reminder daily yoga?

Find the settings and open it.

How to set a notification reminder daily yoga?

Click the notice.

How to set a notification reminder daily yoga?

Finally open the notice.

How to set a notification reminder daily yoga?

The above is the method of opening a notice of daily yoga opening brought by Xiaobian. Don't miss it.

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