MySQL server has gone away Win11's first preview version 22000.51 does not require TPM 2.0 or specific CPU_ Huajun Software Park
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Win11's first preview version 22000.51 does not require TPM 2.0 or specific CPU

Author: Huajun Information Date: 2021-07-09

 In the early hours of this morning, Microsoft released the first Windows 11 Insider Preview version for the Dev Development Channel, that is, Build 22000.51! Microsoft said that as we complete the product setting of the product in the next few months, we will verify this experience with you. In this early preview, you will be able to try many new features displayed last week, but not all.


In today's blog post, Microsoft tried to clarify the minimum configuration requirements of Windows 11 again, saying that Windows 11 will require the eighth -generation COFFEE LAKE or AMD Zen 2 processor and above in Intel, but the seventh generation of Intel Kaby Lake and AMD Zen 1 Users still have some hope.

Microsoft said that Windows 11 is designed and constructed as a complete set of experience, releases the entire power of PCs that customers relied on, including security, reliability, compatibility, video conferences, multi -task, game, creation, construction, learning, etc. aspect. Microsoft claims that a minimum system requirement can make software and hardware adjust to keep up with people's expectations and needs, and use the real value and strength of PC to provide the best experience in present and in the future.

But Microsoft said that the first test version of Windows 11 launched today 22000.51 will not require TPM 2.0 or specific CPU. (However, there are still a large part of the users displaying the hardware too low and cannot be upgraded.) Microsoft believes that by providing a preview version of different systems in the Windows Insider, it will better understand the performance of Windows 11 in different CPU models, which is the lowest to the lowest in the future. In the future The adjustment of the system provides a basis.

Microsoft will pay special attention to users who use the seventh -generation CPU and AMD Zen 1 CPU in Intel to see if they have obtained the performance of Microsoft in terms of reliability and security.

In blog posts, Microsoft claims that Windows 11 will not run on some of the previous old CPUs to maintain higher levels of security, stability and reliability.

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