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How to play AMONG USONG USONG USONG US game gameplay guide

Author: Little Gourd Date: 2021-04-15

Among us among us
Among us

Intellectual game Occupy: 48.5 mb Time: 2021-11-23

Software introduction: Among us is a very popular undercover reasoning game. The latest version of AMONG us is built based on werewolf killing gameplay. Note ...

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Recently, a lot of cute new players have said that they are not knowing how to play the AMONG US game in the Space Werewolf? So today I will bring you the AMONG USOS gameplay strategy for Spacewolves. You can take a look.


1. Start rules

Game rules

1. The background of the game is on a spacecraft, divided into two camps in the game, one is a good person, that is, the crew, the other is a bad guy, that is, posing as a werewolf.

2. The number of camps in the game can be set. Friends can set up a maximum of three werewolves before the start. If the number of werewolves is too large, the game will be too difficult, resulting in a good victory.

3. When the number of werewolves in the game is consistent with the number of good people, the werewolf won the game.

Second, the condition of victory or defeat

Crew camp

1. Complete all spacecraft construction tasks, or throw all pretenders out of AirLock by voting (those who are voted out will have an animation that is thrown out of the spacecraft).

Impersonator camp

There are also two ways to win: impersonators:

1. One is the limited time task of destroying the key components of the spacecraft. If the crew did not complete the corresponding task (reactor or oxygen supply device) within the specified time, the pretender of the impersonation immediately won the victory.

2. In addition, a way of winning is that the constant Kill crew can win until the number of impersonators is consistent with the crew.

3. Game process and special mechanism

Discussion session

1. It is the compulsory link of this game. When someone reports the corpse, everyone goes in to discuss, and go in to vote. The most votes are thrown out of the air gate. In addition, during the game, you can also press the emergency button to forced to enter the game discussion. The emergency button also has the number of restrictions in each game.

2. The voting can be submitted to a friend according to the discussion, and can also skip the vote when the situation is unknown. If the number of votes is the most, the friend is thrown out of the game. If the number of people skipped the most, there was no friend who was thrown out of AirLock in this round.

Crew task

1. In the game, the crew can obtain the victory of the game by completing all the tasks. Each person’s task content is slightly different. Some tasks also need to cooperate. According to the instructions on the map, the form of the task is easy. It is some little bit of operation, and there is a little English foundation. It should be noted that trying to avoid individual action, so that no witnesses were witnessed by K.O..

The above is the AMONG USOS gameplay guide brought by the author. I hope to help you players.

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