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How to use CH341A programmer to program chip programming -CH341A programmer use tutorial

Author: beard Date: 2020-12-24

CH341A programmer
CH341A programmer-1.29 Green Chinese Version

Mechanical electronics Occupy: 3.74MB Time: 2022-05-05

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How to use CH341A programmer for chip programming? Some friends may not be very clear, so now I will share with you the operation method of using CH341A programmer for chip programming. I hope it can help everyone.

25 series BIOS chip programming:

First, connect the programmer to the computer, open the programmer software, and double -click the CH341A.exe file with the mouse

CH341A programmer instructions Chinese

Then, the following programming interface will appear

CH341A programmer instructions Chinese

At this time, the "connection" should be displayed at the device connection state in the lower right corner of the programming interface.

CH341A programmer instructions Chinese

At this time:

1. According to your chip type and model, select the chip you want to write in the following location

CH341A programmer instructions Chinese

2. Place your to -write chip below the programmer:

25 series chip placing position

CH341A programmer instructions Chinese

24 series chip placing position

CH341A programmer instructions Chinese

3. Click on the opening button in the programming software interface toolbar

CH341A programmer instructions Chinese

The following dialog box appears, find the data you want to write in the dialog box. The default data type here is .bin or .hex files. If your files are other types, such as .ROM, you can select all at the file type. To

CH341A programmer instructions Chinese

After finding the corresponding data file, click the opening button of the dialog box. At this time, you can see the content of the file you want to write in the data editing area of ​​the programmer. Please pay special attention. Please do not modify the data in the data editing area at will to avoid causing data errors to error errors. The chip cannot be used.

4. Select the functions you want to operate on the programming interface toolbar. Generally, you can choose automatically.

CH341A programmer instructions Chinese

5. After starting programming, the current operating progress will be displayed in the lower left corner of the programming interface. When the steps are completed and other steps are completed, the programming is completed at this time, and your chip can be used!

The above is the operation method of using CH341A programmers shared by Xiaobian. Friends who are not clear to learn.

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