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EA's large number of games on Steam: "Island Crisis 3", "Need for Speed ​​21", etc., and start discounts

Author: Internet Date: 2020-06-05

Yesterday EA re -launched Steam and opened a discount.

A total of 13 EA games have all opened the Steam mall page, including "Edge of Mirror: Catalyst", "Need for Speed ​​21: Hot", "Plants Victor Zombies: The Battle of the Harmony Town", "Crisis of Island 3", "Longteng Tengteng", "Longteng Tengteng" "Century Judgment", "Flexible Cyclone Paradise Reconstruction Edition", and all discount discounts, 50 % off.

Not all EA games have been launched on Steam, including "Quality Effect 3", "Simulation Life 4", "Apex Heroes", "Battlefield 5" and other games.

In addition, the game store page shows that the EA member service EA Access is about to be launched.

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