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Enterprise WeChat sharing Yunkai school must -have god operation Tencent: Be careful to enable you to add anti -addiction

Author: Internet Date: 2020-03-05

Dalisman learning and getting thinner. Are you talking about you recently?

It may be eaten at the beginning of the school, but it will never be absent. When you start a new avatar, you must have a new weather in Yunkai School. Today,@今 今 今 今 今 今 今 今 今 今 今 今 今 今 今 今 今 shared a set of "Yun Kai School" avatars, which caused heated discussions.

"Gao Xingxin School", "Study", "Dalisman Learning and getting thinner", "Report, Teacher, you forget not only do your homework." ... ...

However, this move triggered@不过 不过 的 的 不过: "Shao Shao! Be careful I responded to everyone's appeal and enable you to add anti -addiction to you."

@Tencent WeChat team also followed up and said: "Discussion, I suggest@, do it."

On February 1 this year, the company's WeChat released a new version, updating the six capabilities of group live broadcasting, collecting tables, online meetings, online consultations, emergency notifications, and epidemic areas. These include group live broadcast, collection tables, and online meetings. The particularity of the education industry during the epidemic period has been upgraded.

It is reported that through the new version, teachers can launch live broadcasts on the company's WeChat home school group for online teaching. Parents and students do not need to install and learn other additional apps. They can directly watch online teaching on WeChat and conduct online learning.

In addition, during the epidemic, the corporate WeChat conference function supports the audio and video conference with a maximum of 300 people. The communication between the Education Bureau and different schools in the area can meet on this online meeting.

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