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Analysts look bullish AMD: This year, the CPU share will be increased to 25%

Author: Internet Date: 2020-02-13

AMD's performance in the processor market in the past three years is obvious to all. According to the statistics of the institution Mercury Research, after the fourth quarter of last year, AMD's share in the desktop market reached 18.3%, an increase of 2.4 percentage points year -on -year.

According to Mitch Steves, an analyst at Royal Bank of Canada's Capital Market, this year, the market occupation of the AMD Ryzen processor will be increased to about 25%, and he is extremely confident in the performance of AMD EPYC Xiaolong products in the server field.

Steves also pointed out that at the AMD investor conference next month, officials will share more news that make the stock price rise.

According to rumors, the GPU of the consumer Big Navi graphics card (known as NVIDIA Killer) and the server codename Arcurus (Big Corner Star) will be announced at that time. In recent years, AMD has indeed felt a light feeling of CPU/GPU. If both legs can walk strongly, the future is limited.

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