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NVIDIA low -key release MX 330/350 laptop card: performance is 2.5 times higher than Intel's strongest core

Author: Internet Date: 2020-02-13

Tonight, NVIDIA launched a new laptop independent product MX 330 and MX350 through the low -key form released by the official website.

On the one hand, NVIDIA is taboo as deep, and on the other hand, the thieves use 2.5 times and 2 times the words to describe performance.

The so -called chicken thief is because the Nvidia comparison object is the Iris Plus core display in the Intel 10 generation Core Ice Lake. NVIDIA said that compared to the core display of i7-1065G7, MX330 is twice ascending in picture processing, video editing, and gaming performance, and MX 350 is 2.5 times faster.

There are very few official information in other aspects, only knowing that they are matched with GDDR5 video memory.

Earlier news said that the MX 350 was based on the GP107 core, but from the GTX 1050's 768 CUDA castrated to 640, the frequency was 1354 ~ 1468MHz; the MX 350 was based on the GP108 core and 640 CUDA, but the frequency will be 746 ~ 937MHz.

It is said that both graphics cards are 64bit wide, and TDP is 15W and 25W, respectively. In the later period, NVIDIA may also prepare a more entry MX 330 (384 CUDA)/310. Although the performance of the MX graphics card is not appreciated by professional players, it is undeniable that OEM manufacturers favors it. After all, packaging is the so -called independent display game book.

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