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Youku video download automatic transcoding setting skills after downloading

Author: Ai Xiao Mo Date: 2017-02-10

Youku video
Youku Video -V9.2.43.1001

Video playback Occupy: 207.18 MB Time: 2022-11-02

Software Introduction: Youku Video Computer Edition is new and new. It is a simple and easy -to -use video player. Youku video computer version has massive resources and provides multiple paintings ...

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Nowadays, everyone likes to watch videos with Youku, download and watch or watches, very convenient. You can also pass the transcoder directly to download Youku videos. How to transfer Youku videos directly?


First of all, if we want to download the video on Youku, we need to download the Youku client. We can search for Youku client on Baidu to download it directly.

After downloading, we double -click, install it on our computer, and the downloaded program is downloaded at the default download location of our browser.

After the installation is successful, we log in to our account, and then click the download button above to enter the interface we downloaded. There are those downloaded and downloaded.

Download video
Download video

After entering the download interface, we click the downloaded video above. Select it first. After selection, we will see that there is a transfer option above. Let's click on it.


Then we set the settings and set the conversion format MP4. After the setting is set, we click the format. Generally, it is default. The following can be set to delete the original file after the conversion format.

set up
set up

When the transfer, we click in the transcoding to see the video we are transferring.


If we want to download the video directly, we will directly find a video download, and the video of the Malaysia Airlines aircraft on the interface is shot down. Code, after clicking the settings, we can set the format of the transfer.

Automatic transcoding
Automatic transcoding

After the download is successful, we can see that the prompt is that the downloaded video is successful, and then the transcoding is successful.

If we want to transmit videos downloaded by Youku in batches, we will choose the video we downloaded, click the transcoding, and perform the operations in the background.

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