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How to uninstall 2345 security guards? 2345 Safety Guard Uninstallation Tutorial

Author: Ai Xiao Mo Date: 2017-02-14

2345 Security Guard
2345 Security Guard-V8.0 official version

Antivirus Occupation: 96.77 mb Time: 2021-08-18

Software Introduction: 2345 Security Guard is a protective computer security guard anti -virus protection software launched by 2345. The 2345 security guard is a computer body ...

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The 2345 security guard was installed, but found that he was not as good as expected, so he wanted to uninstall it. There are 3 ways to uninstall the software:


1. Uninstall the application directly through the software self -uninstalled application


2. Uninstall it in the program of the control panel


3. Uninstall through software


We will introduce them one by one here.


Comb with your own application uninstallation


1. We click the start menu, and then find [2345 Security Guard] in all tasks, as shown in the figure, and then click [Uninstall 2345 Security Guard].



2. At this time, a dialog box will pop up to let you choose whether to uninstall it.



3. Then a dialog box will pop up. We continue to click [Continue Uninstall]. The rest is waiting. After waiting for a while, the uninstallation will be completed.


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